(AbCon1776) Times, They change.

3 years ago

(AbCon1776) Times, They change.

My mission with this one was the evoke emotion, and help people realize the gravity of the moment we are in, and to help folks see that people are rising up and awakening.

We must stop the division, infighting, and anger amongst Patriots, for where we go ONE, we go ALL. Anger and hatred will only help [then]. It is vital that we ALL remember that … myself included.

The Great Awakening is happening, and we mustn’t lost faith or hope - neither can be taken away by any mandate or unjust law. That’s a fact.

Let us band together, realize the moment of history we are within, and move forward as a united front against tyranny and oppression.

The times are indeed changing, history will be made, and we will be vindicated. I, for one, am honored and blessed to be here in this moment in time to witness and partake in history.

God Bless America, God Bless all of you, and God Bless the Planet. 🙏🏻


(Song; The Times They Are A Changin’ by Fort Nowhere)


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