Toni Shuppe – 2021 PA Election Audit

3 years ago

Chester County GOP chair Dr. Eck has asked for a full forensic audit of the 2021 Election. There were also issues with the Montgomery County election. Contact the county commissioners in Chester County and say you support a full forensic audit.

One week after the Nov. 2 election, with ballots still not completely counted, Dr. Gordon Eck, chair of the Chester County Republicans, sent a letter to county commissioners asking for a forensic audit of the election returns. Evidently, a software error resulted in more votes tallied than ballots, and additional ballots were located in a ballot box at the Downingtown Library, county officials said.

Clip taken from Bannons War Room - Episode 1,401 – Pfizer CEO Criminalizes People Spreading ‘Misinformation’ About Covid Vax
Published November 9, 2021

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