CTV News Bullies Halifax Pizza Shop to Post Discriminatory Sign

3 years ago

Halifax, Nova Scotia. On the morning of October 5, the day the vaccine passport passed in Halifax, CTV news wasted no time going to many businesses checking for and demanding they post discriminatory signs barring the unvaccinated. The message seemed clear. Either they post the sign or risk being a part of CTV's negative news report about "Covid rule breakers." The News was taking the role of the enforcer. The irony is CTV claims on their website and mission statement that they are an objective news operation operating under the RTDNA and Canadian Association of Broadcaster's code of ethics. These codes of ethics require that they present both sides of the story, publish corrections publicy, and refrain from political advocacy.

CTV never misses a chance to insult Conservative Canadians and politicians and yet their political bias is nothing compared to the totalitarian glee they present when they report on fines for small businesses and churches, even suggesting the businesses which received fines should be named. CTV claims they are just reporting on goverment mandated vaccine mandates, when in actuality, they were among the first to float the idea of vaccine passports and have been activists for the mandates all along.

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