Jetty Extracts Cartridge Review: A Potent & Golden Goodie

3 years ago

DabConnection is happy to bring you another new brand to our growing list of cartridge reviews. This time it's Jetty Extracts Gold under the spotlight and the Sativa dominant Maui Wowie.

Coming from the licensed Mankind dispensary in San Diego, quality assurance is what we're after. Take a walk out onto the Jetty in the following Jetty Extracts cartridge review.


High Potency
Robust Flavor
Durable & Comfortable Cartridge Design
High-Quality Concentrate
Tested Clean in an Independent Test


High Price Tag
Light On Number Of Puffs
No Visible Proof Of Purity On Package For Each Unit
Weak Safety Seal

Recommendations: We love the new CCELL cartridge design over the old wick style. The oil vapes up faster than other similar brands. It would be best if Jetty makes obvious the lab doing the testing and includes the information on each cartridge. They have tested clean though when independently tested.

See the full in depth review here:

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