Democrat Desperation Revealed in Pete Buttiege Vetting for Prez 2024

3 years ago

Biden & Kamala are More Toasted to a Crisp Than Downtown Hiroshima, Circa WWII

Trying to survive their bizarre marriage to deranged rent-a-puppet Biden & his Runaway Veep Kamala, Dems now hang their hopes on an unlikely Pete Buttiege presidency to save them. Yet, just this week, Pete described US roads and highways as designed for racist purposes. Huh? The implication is that these roads need to be...”deconstructed.”

Transport Secy Peter Pan is being suggested as president, despite going AWOL to rush home for months-long Maternity Leave while the Fed Govt struggles to solve the US supply-chain crisis. Meanwhile, an ominous biopic, Mayor Pete, is just released, revealing a soul so lost and thirsty for acceptance that every step is stage managed harder than Jackson 5 dance routines. Is this the best Dems can hope for?

One prays Bootyegg doesn't suffer similar explosive dysentery and gas that Biden unloaded at point-blank-range upon our unsuspecting foreign allies this past week. Hilariously, one cannot find Pete's height anywhere online, only adding to his tiny impression and unfortunate resemblance to Mad Magazine's icon Alfred E Neuman. If elected, will the Mainstream Media insist on filming Bootyegg standing on milk crates, like diminutive 'Shane' star Alan Ladd? Peter Pan is no more a fitting choice for president than would be “journalist” and Trump hunter Jim Acosta.

Democrats are not merely at war against Republicans, but vie against Nature and reality itself. Will America actually vote for a small, lovable gay man, his upstanding husband, and their ready-made infants – for the US presidency? In the secret voting booth, where none can judge, will the hounded and cursed average American really embrace another unlikely ad-hoc, shotgun marriage of convenience? Will we then privately salute the Woke agenda in every manner and seven-ways from Sunday?!!

How long do Democrats plan on challenging everything Americans have ever known, and all our traditional values? More to the point, why does the liberal fetish seem to be only change? That the only constant is a demand for constant variety, without demand for excellence? As we've already seen this year, that's how our leadership is debased until we are simply reduced to slaves of the deified state.

Consider how many ways liberals refuse to accept obvious truths of our existence, believing: The universe created itself, there is no God; Evolution means there is no human nature, we are meat robots; Weakness creates peace; The earth is dying & must be saved at any cost; Capitalism is evil, but taxes delicious; Humans are naturally good, so dangerous felons must be released, and homeless may camp wherever they like.

That unlimited deficit spending won’t hurt the economy: Unlimited numbers of illegal entries can’t harm USA; Humanism must supplant false religion: Communism is beautiful and benefits everyone. Children only need a mom, yet fatherless kids grow into angry urchins; Feminists say women are victims which causes perpetual gender wars; Gender is all in the mind, with 40 variations -- so genitals are irrelevant, and kids confused, as many transition, yet none seem happy, etc.

It seems unlikely Peter Pan Bootyegg gets elected US president, simply because Americans are now wary of Democrat's reckless leadership, destructive impulses and mindless “bucket list” offerings. Instead, reckless policies and relentless anti-American leadership will have the US in the ICU when Democrats get kicked out of power. And it's going to take more than just being trendy to fix what deeply ails us. Fiat Lux, dear fellow patriots!

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