002 Surah Al Baqara with Tajweed by Mishary Al Afasy (With English Translation)

3 years ago

Surrah: AlBaqara.
Reciter: Mashary Rashed Al Afasy
Book: The Holy Qur'an

Prominent and Unique aspects of Surah al Baqarah:
1) It is the only surah a portion of which was revealed outside the physical world. According to a sahih narration
2) Of the prophet, the last two ayahs of this surah were gifted to the prophet on the sixth heaven during his spiritual journey of Mi’raj (Sahih Muslim: 173). Further, the beloved prophet also said regarding these two ayahs that whosoever recites them at night, it would suffice for him (Sahih Bukhari: 5009).
3) “Ayat ul Kursi”, which is the 255th ayah of this surah, was given the status of being the “greatest ayah of the Quran” by the prophet himself (Sahih Muslim: 810). Regarding it, the beloved prophet also said that Allah appoints a protector with whosoever recites it at night (Sahih Bukhari 4723).
4) Allah has bestowed in its recitation the power to drive away from the evil force of Shaitan and the effects of sorcery. According to the beloved prophet, Shaitan flees from a house in which surah baqarah is recited (Sahih Muslim: 780).
5) As mentioned earlier, this surah began to be revealed immediately after the migration of Muslims to Medina. It was here in the holy city of Medina that the corner-stone of the first Islamic state was laid. This surah deals comprehensively with the foundation of a new Muslim ummah and the forthcoming challenges. In this surah, the blueprint or sketch of the socio-politico-economic system of Islam was drawn.
6) One of the most important aspects of surah Baqarah is the guidelines and responsibilities that it lays upon Muslims as an ummah or a cohesive community. This is the most dominant theme of this surah. The events and happenings of the ‘Bani Israel’ mentioned in detail. The Muslims asked to take heed from their history and not to repeat the mistakes that they committed earlier.

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