Kari Lake an America First Candidate for Governor of AZ Joins Pete Santilli in an Interview

3 years ago

The Pete Santilli Show EP2689 w/ special guest Kari Lake an America First AZ. candidate for Governor who was endorsed by President Donald J. Trump, Mike Lindell, Pete Santilli, Gen. Mike Flynn, and many others Joins Pete Santilli to talk about her run for Governor, election fraud, and more!!

Website: https://www.karilake.com/

Kari Lake, the former anchor for Fox 10 News in Phoenix, became a symbol of truth in journalism when she walked away from the mainstream media despite being number one in the ratings for more than two decades.

Now she's running for Governor of Arizona on a platform of common sense conservatism dedicated to individual liberties, low taxes, limited regulation, and protecting Arizona's great Western heritage.

Kari Lake continues to be a voice for the silent majority suffering at the hands of cancel culture, critical race theory, and the devastating effects progressive policies are piling up on America's formerly great cities.

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