Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh (Prophecy)

3 years ago

Join this channel & let's grow it bigger better & stronger than it was before.
take a listen and enjoy the ride. If you would like to donate to TLF Radio you can do it on the website. The Last Frequency is hosted by Mike Vara live weeknights at 9:pm eastern on www.lastfrequency.com

Please do not download or copy shows. These shows are all protected by copyright.
If you miss a past show there is a much wider archive on our website at https://lastfrequency.com
Become a member (free) & be part of the resistance.
Dr. Joye has her own LIVE radio YouTube show each month the last Monday night from 8 until 10 pm eastern. The show name is Dr. Joye's Ask Me Anything (AMA) Show and is produced by www.sacredwordpublishing.com

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