Dr Roger Hodkinson, viscerally outraged at the HORROR SHOW, an unnecessary GROTESQUE TRAGEDY.

3 years ago

Dr Roger Hodkinson, viscerally outraged at the HORROR SHOW, an unnecessary GROTESQUE TRAGEDY.


(3rd August 2021)
Dr Roger Hodkinson This unprecedented HORROR SHOW the worst in medical history. I am viscerally outraged at how unnecessary this grotesque tragedy has been and yet somehow manages to continue. It is insanity cubed.

Believe nothing you are being told its all a pack of lies from start to finish.

Dr Roger Hodkinson, warned Edmonton City Council 12m earlier he pulls no punches and says Covid 19 has led to public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. STOP the Covid, measures end masks and testing immediately and get back to normal.

You can see that encounter by following this link:-

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