Windows 7/Vista Hitman2 Cheat

3 years ago

First go to your Hitman 2 folder and find hitman2.ini file. Open hitman2.ini and type one line down: EnableCheats 1 Save and close(If your PC do not allow you to save, you need to save the file on your desktop and simply drag the file to the hitman2 folder) Go to shortcut hitman2 and right click, go to properties, find compatibility then check "Run this program in compatibility mode for" (i recomend WinXP SP2 or SP3), then apply and you can start to cheat. You can see that all your save data are gone and if you want them back simply change compatibility. Simply type something while in game: IOIRULEZ or IOIRULEY - God Mode on/off IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items IOIHITLEIF - Health IOISLO - Slow motion on/off IOIER - Bomb Mode on/off IOIHITALI - Ali Mode on/off IOILEPOW - Special attack Mode on/off IOIGRV - The force of gravity Mode on/off IOINGUN - Nail rifle...

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