Fifty-Six Percent of Americans Say There Was Cheating in the 2020 Election

3 years ago

[00:30] Breaking Up Families at the Border (12 minutes)

The Biden administration is outraged that Donald Trump separated children from parents at the border, but Barack Obama did the same thing in 2014. At the time, of course, Joe Biden was Obama’s vice president.

[12:20] Infrastructure Boondoggle (14 minutes)

Last year at this time, America was energy independent. Biden’s policies have reduced U.S. oil production dramatically. When asked about how to increase oil production in America, Biden’s energy secretary laughed out loud. She essentially said that America was at the mercy of OPEC.

[26:10] What Voters Think About the 2020 Election (14 minutes)

Rasmussen reported that 56 percent of voters now say there was cheating in the 2020 election. It also reported that 60 percent say preventing cheating is more important than making it easier to vote. One year after the election steal, voters are finally awakening to the fact that the 2020 election was far from “perfect.”

[40:25] Bible Study: Love Your Spiritual Birthright (14 minutes)

Like Esau with his physical birthright, many lukewarm Christians are exchanging their incredible spiritual birthright for a pathetic bowl of soup! In this segment, we remember how important it is that we deeply value and love our spiritual inheritance.

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