How To Explain Poor Sales Performance - Top Reasons For Sluggish Sales @TenTonOnline

3 years ago

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how to explain poor sales performance

Practically all online business owners are focused on more traffic, more attention, more views, going viral, big social media metrics...and more and more people into the top of their sales funnel.

This reminds me of a few low-quality sales guys I've known over the years. Their biggest problem is that they had to constantly hustle for new customers. Why? Because they were terrible, absolutely wretched, at customer service and taking care of their existing customers.

It's so simple...and yet so few people really understand this: Getting the first "yes" is very hard. Building up enough trust and credibility to get a potential customer to say, "Okay, I trust you. I'll take you up on your offer" sometimes feels like moving mountains.

But once you have that particular customer's first "yes," getting "yesses" in the future is A LOT easier. So long as you're providing really great products and services, so long as your pricing and customer service are on point...

...very often getting second, third, and fourth "yesses" is often simply a matter of telling them, "Hey I've got this new thing. Here's all the great benefits you'll get. If this sounds like a good fit, here's how to order."

Why are second, third, and fourth "yesses" so much easier? Because you've already done the hard work. They trust you. But if you don't look after your customers, if you don't handle their concerns and take care of them, then trust and credibility evaporates quickly. Customers leave and never come back.

This is like being sent back to GO. Now you have to start all over again with new potential customers. Why would salespeople and online business owners make things so hard on themselves?

It's far, far easier to take care of and support your existing customers than it is to find new potential customers who don't know you yet, and struggle to establish credibility with them, over and over. So really, I suppose you could say there's two parts to it:

Initially growing an audience around your online business and the work you do, and second, nurturing and taking care of and continually supporting and providing for the members of your target audience who choose to buy from you.

The first part can be done by simply publishing really great, helpful content online on a consistent basis. And the second part can be done simply by caring. The people who bought from you, when they pulled out their wallet, they said, "I trust you." THAT'S what a purchase really is.

Your customer is saying, "I trust you and I believe that your product or service will genuinely help me." That's a huge burden of responsibility for online business owners like you and I. So don't take it lightly! Take care of these people! They trust you...don't break that trust.


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