Secret Agent

3 years ago

Poem posted on Tiktok

Not the best, I could have combed my hair, but it was like, I just wrote this, lets put it up there.
Secret Agent
She’s a secret agent
Anticipating something
She ain’t seeing
Wanting to be believing
But not seeing
Its all imagining
My my
Won’t she be surprised
On the day she open
Both eyes
See behind the disguise
and be wise
Unicorns aren’t alive
Rainbows are high
Dragons are coming back
Get ready for the attack
Love is at lack
Have a heart attack
Breath to relieve
All the deceive
Magnitudes no longer believe
We will see
By: Minister Peacefulpoet (word witch) 11/8/21
Was going to do this in my trailer, got a better camera out there. But here it is on the fly.

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