Don't Waste Time on Congress + Raise Your Vibration!

2 years ago
297 - Let's Do Something to Solve Our Problems!

- Shout out to the people working on “Geo-Engineering” us out of our “Climate Crisis” - so glad you are smart enough to dump chemicals into our atmosphere, creating CLIMATE CHANGE to combat “Climate Change” - that certainly cannot have any potential negative ramifications…. right?!?!?!?!?

- People are going to die today! That was true pre-COVID, now where did that Count-Down Clock go showing the deaths from COVID… people have died and people WILL DIE… That is a normal process of this life of ours. Now that we got that out of the way… what are we going to do while we are LIVING?!?!?!!

- Quick update on the Death Shot, or “The Mark” which is for a virus that is yet to be isolated but with the SARS-COVID-2 genetic sequencing that has been proven to be created as a bio-weapon in a lab (THANK YOU National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci for using tax-payer money to fund this gain of function research that has now killed millions of people!)… one of the known side-effects of the spike protein in the mRNA injections being given to people is issues with cardiovascular health (myocarditis, blood clotting) and look what we have HERE!



These stories actually make the news because they involve sports. Thousands of other people have suffered and died, why are so many people, especially younger people, dying like this? Is there ANY POSSIBILITY ON EARTH THAT IT IS FROM A PHARMACEUTICAL INJECTION (that has wrongly been called a “vaccine”)? OH NO WAY! NO, this is completely normal! Wink Wink.

- We MUST stop wasting any amount of energy on fighting the systems that have been created to distract us. For example: Congress and the Senate. Most of these people need to be tried for treason, most of these people have sold out the American public in one way or another. We do need to elect new representatives but this “Red versus Blue” stuff is mostly just to keep us fighting. We need Good people versus Bad and we need to stop fund-raising for any political party period.

- Congressmen and Congresswomen prance around running their mouth about what bills they have written and sponsored and this DOES NOTHING for my American people. This is all just talk. What are they DOING?!?!?! Stop running your mouth and DO SOMETHING! Like Marjorie Taylor Green - who is visiting inmates in jail and calling people out on their B.S.

- Something positive to enhance your consciousness? Did you know that rose oil carries a frequency of 320MHz and is a wonderful companion to helping you to feel better? Whether you believe in science or spirituality, essential oils (when they actually are made from healthy plants without chemicals and not synthesized in a lab) are truly an essential part of natural health and healing. Essential oils and plant medicine are mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible - and that is why I always carry with me my Life Force Bible Blends! Check them out here!

I know how easy it is to feel abandoned and alone on the Planet right now, I am one of those people who have spent the last year and a half in a stupor looking around at society thinking that this is the absolute end. That the blue hats are coming to round us up. And that is not healthy, and I am here to tell you that you are not alone, and I am here and we are going to fight this out. I want to be a part of the fight and I hope you will too, know that I am sending love and light and hope your way.

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