This Week with Dr. T Special Guest Dr. Michael Lake

3 years ago

Pastor Michael Lake holds doctorates in theology and religious education, and he is the chancellor and founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. Dr. Lake has served as an educational consultant for various Christian schools of higher learning around the world.  He is also a bishop and member of the International Board of Directors of The Restoration Fellowship International Ministerial Association. 

​In 1995, Dr. Lake and his family found themselves in an all-out attack from the occult community that lasted for more than a decade. During that time, he turned his research skills toward understanding the occult, their hidden governance of the nations of the world, their tactics for manipulating and controlling the Church, the reality of mind control, and the Shinar Directive.

​This conversation covered a wide range of topics, from the Nephilum and the Annunaki, to the reasons for the current Church’s failure to lead God’s people. When asked, “Why do you think Christians have taken the Covid shot?”, Dr. Lake’s answer was sobering. You don’t want to miss this entire, very important interview. 

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