COVID Update Episode #1: Ron Johnson's Panel (intro)

3 years ago

Sen. Johnson seems to be one of the people in DC who has not lost his soul. His Expert Panel deserves wide wide distribution, but is very hard to find on a search engine. It begins here at 30:40.

This video summarized Sen. Johnson's intro, especially in three powerful points that he highlights, being denied by our policy-makers: (full notes included):
1) the fact that the vaccines are not preventing COVID infection or death, which really begs the question of whether they should be called vaccines
2) the way natural immunity makes the vaccines both moot and often more dangerous than they already are
3) vaccine injuries

Enjoy! Comments welcome.

Review of Senator Ron Johnson's Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates

He invited the following personages to his panel: none of these showed up
- heads of the CDC, Sec. of Def., Sec. of Labor, Sec. of Transportation, FDA director Woodcock, HHS Sec. Becerra, NIAID Dir. Fauci, NIH Dir. Collins, and CEOs of Moderna, J&J, Pfizer / BioNTech

3 Realities that our policy-makers are denying:
1) the fact that the vaccines are not preventing COVID infection or death, which really begs the question of whether they should be called vaccines
UK (b/c we don't have good data in the US):
- last 7.5 mos; 80% of COVID cases are vaccinated
- 63% of deaths from COVID: fully vaccinated
- last 4 weeks: 78% delta deaths fully vaccinated

2) Natural Immunity
- the way that natural immunity protects people from COVID better than vaccination does
- natural immunity has been recognized for every vaccine program in the past but somehow gets no recognition for this one
- vax recipients are more likely to be injured by the vaccines if they have already been exposed to COVID and have that natural immunity

3) Vaccine injuries
VAERS (CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, the only safety signal we have): comparison (apples to apples) with flu vaccine VAERS data over the past 25.75 years:
- total adverse events for flu vaccines : 193,712 (7596 per year), for COVID 818,044 = 108x the per-year average, and over 4x the 25-year total.
- deaths for flu vaccines: 1996 (78 per year), for COVID 17,128 = 220x the per-year average, and over 8x the 25-yr total.
- And with these kinds of numbers, the CDC is calling the shots "safe and effective" and spending our tax dollars to saturate us with billboards and ads saying our kids are irreplaceable so they should get this vaccine.

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