The Weekly Energy Foresight for November 8-14, 2021

3 years ago

Cards: The Green Witch Tarot
by: Ann Moura
Art by: Kiri Østergaard Leonard

November 8-14, 2021

🧙‍♀️ Eight Of Wands

Last week we began learning a new skill or trade - this week you will be developing the know-how VERY quickly!
You may feel like THIS is what you are meant to be doing because it feels like second nature to you already!
Be diligent in your learning and don't let ego mess things up by making you believe you know better - we all start somewhere - and with a new skill, you want to make sure you begin with a solidly built firm foundation so that you are prepared for whatever might come your way!

Cards: The Wisdom Of Avalon
by: Colette Baron-Reid

🕷🕸 Mid-Week ~ 8-11
The Spider

🙏 End-Week ~ 11-14

🎉 Observances:
8 - National Parents As Teachers Day
- National Cappuccino Day
9 - World Freedom Day
- World Adoption Day
10 - Marine Corps Birthday
- National Forget-Me-Not Day
- World Science Day for Peace And Development
11- Veterans Day: USA
- Remembrance Day: CAN & AUS
- World Quality Day
- 11:11 Gateway Ascension Portal & Activation
- First Quarter Moon
12 - National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day
- National Pizza With The Works (Except Anchovies)
13 - World Kindness Day
14 - Remembrance Sunday: UK
- National Family PJ Day
- National Seat Belt Day
- World Diabetes Day


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