Monday Moments 11-8-21

3 years ago

I had just gotten to Philadelphia. Checked in, got my room assignment and met my new roommates.

After an exchange of where you froms, we proceeded to tell each other how cool we were.

Although I didn't go first, while in the middle of listening to one of my roommates brag about how great he was, it dawned on me that time was not in my favor.

My thoughts had sunk to a whole new low, omg, four years...

Not that it was a prison sentence by no means but, it really struck a chord on the gravity of my current situation.

This now was the beginning of a commitment that I could no longer turn back on.

At some point years later you start to realize what it means to be a short timer.

In order to live in the moment and get you to the next moment you have to rationalize how much time you really have to get you there.

Later, scared and alone I stepped off the base for the last time, to never look back until all these years later in thinking back.

Never let up on your dreams for they will get you where you want to go, it just might not be as obvious along the way as you'd like it to be. #dbrn

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