I have lawfully NOT registered the birth of my child and still obtained UK Citizenship!

3 years ago

I have lawfully NOT registered the birth of my child and still obtained a passport and UK Citizenship!

I am living breathing proof that you can lawfully NOT register the birth of your child and still obtain a British Passport and British Citizenship for your child.

They can still be registered with the NHS if they ever need free health care. They can still get into school. They can still travel freely. They have all the privileges of normal citizens, the state just does not own them!!!

You just have to know the difference between “LEGAL” and “LAWFUL” and that Gods Law/Natural Law/Common takes priority and is more powerful than the legalease system.

All you have to do is do a bit of research, learn your lawful rights as a living man/women, then exercise those rights in the appropriate and lawful manner when dealing with the state.

Templates and a step by step guide will be available soon on my website. (www.seanspeaks.co.uk) 🙌🏽🔥

Don’t worry if you have registered your child’s birth. You can de-register them but I just haven’t been through that process and know how to do it. As soon as I find out I will update everyone.

God bless all of you. ❤️

We truly are in the age of awakening 🔥

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