World of Eternals, Characters of Dune, Story of No Time To Die = Box Office Movie Mashup

3 years ago

This is a box office movie mashup combining multiple movies of this weekend's box office, to create a premise & storyline by combining the world of ETERNALS with the characters of DUNE, set in the story of NO TIME TO DIE, creating a new premise and storyline.

Premise: The son of a noble family entrusted with protecting the vital element of history and time, which can shape civilizations at will, has to contend with a mysterious family member covertly leading an operation with ally agents, who desire the vital element for nefarious purposes.

Storyline: Agents of war in the service of achieving peace outgrows the very peace they helped obtain, and the once heroes turn villains when they join a member of the noble family they fought for, a family that is now the shapers of civilization through the element of history and time which they wield. But the mysterious family member seeks to usurp that power by exploiting the trust and the eternal elements they have to lay claim to the most valuable asset and vital element on intergalactic Earth.

In a box office movie mashup entitled "SANDS OF ETERNAL DEATH & TIME."

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