Diana Larkin - We Happy Few: The Times They Are a-Changin

2 years ago


Diana Larkin's prophetic words featured on this program:



“Amidst the dark and troubling plots and schemes those partnered with darkness will attempt to carry out during these LAST, DYING DAYS of their rule, you will hear MY VOICE OF THUNDER. My voice will THUNDER through natural and spiritual shakings. The natural shakings will be SIGNS AND WONDERS in the heavens and on the earth—volcanoes, earthquakes, winds, fires, strange weather systems. My VOICE OF THUNDER awakens the earth to respond in this way. These are not My judgments; they are the earth REACTING to all the evil that has been done by those service darkness. These natural occurrences will AWAKEN people to the seriousness of the hour and they will begin to seek Me and run to My LOVE and PROTECTION. My VOICE OF THUNDER in the spiritual realm will release EXTREME EXPOSURE, the HAMMER of My JUDGMENT, and My system of JUSTICE into the earth. The evil schemes and My thunderous plans will release SHOCKWAVES, so it is imperative that you find your REFUGE in the shelter of My wings CLOSE to My heart, and I will see you through to a VERY HAPPY ENDING.”

PSALM 29:3-4 “The voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory-God reigns as He thunders in the clouds. So powerful is His voice, so brilliant and bright—how majestic as He thunders over the great waters! (TPT)


“Did you feel it? This past week began the BREAKTHROUGH to the TURNAROUND! Did you experience some small breakthroughs in your personal life? Don't DISCOUNT the small signs I give to you in your life that REVEAL what I AM doing on a national and on an international scale. The CRACK I have created in the FLASE IMAGES the evil has built for themselves has OPENED WIDER this last week. This crack will continue to widen until all the EVIL and FILFTH they have hidden POURS FORTH and leaves them SPEECHLESS, DEFENSELESS, and SHAMED. A SIGN of the turnaround is the people of your Land RISING UP and demanding their FREEDOMS back. A SIGN is parents AWAKENING to their responsibilities for what their children are taught and exposed to. A Nation is AWAKENING to its need for a

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SAVIOR and for Godly leaders who SERVE the people and not themselves. WATCH and PRAY as the CRACK WIDENS—partner with Me in calling it forth. The evil ones can FLAIL and SPEW and attempt more DESTRUCTION, but NOTHING will stop the crack from becoming a TOTAL BREAKTHROUGH that facilitates a TOTAL TURNAROUND!”

2 SAMUEL 5:20 “So David came to Baal-perazim, and he defeated them there, and he said, ‘The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.’ So, he named that place Baal-perazim (master of breakthroughs).”


“I AM exposing and tearing down the CORRUPT SYSTEMS of man, I will BULLDOZE the debris away, and then I will REBUILD on a NEW FOUNDATION. You are called to be part of this NEW FOUNDATION established on My RIGHTEOUSNESS and My JUSTICE and My LOVE and LIFE. I have been PREPARING you to be a solid part of this NEW FOUNDATION—especially in this last difficult year when your faith has been tested and tried in the FIRE of adversity and the HEAT of battle. You have chosen to BELIEVE Me and to FOLLOW Me in spite of personal CHALLENGES and in spite of circumstances in your government looking the OPPOSITE of what I promised. This has developed a ROD OF STEEL in your inner man that keeps you STRONG and TRUE, and it has developed in you a HEART OF COMPASSION for those who need My DELIVERANCE, My HEALING, and My PROVISION. You are an EFFECTIVE WARRIOR who is prepared to become a TRUSTWORTHY STATESMAN—part of My NEW FOUNDATION. As long as you stay SURRENDERED to Me, I will be FAITHFUL to cause you to STAND, to PROSPER, and to RULE WELL in the sphere of influence I give to you. Welcome to My NEW FOUNDATION, living Stone!”

JUDE 1:24 “Now, to the One with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring you faultless before His glorious presence to stand before Him with ecstatic delight, to the only God our Savior, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and majesty, great power and authority—from before He created time, now, and throughout all the ages of eternity. Amen!”

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“The season of Fall is a good metaphor for what I AM doing in your Nation. The green trees CHANGE into the OPPOSITE colors of red, orange, and yellow. So, it will be UNCOVERED that some people who portrayed themselves as UPRIGHT, FREEDOM LOVERS (green) will be shown for their true colors of SELFISH GREED and TRYANNICAL POWER-GRABBING (red). You will also discover that some you thought of as working for the enemy were actually PATRIOTS working UNDERCOVER, and as the other trees are STRIPPED of their leaves and left naked and EXPOSED, these patriots will stand TALL and STRONG like an EVERGREEN tree. O, the times they are a –changing'. I change seasons gradually in order to allow people to ADJUST and that is what I have been doing in your Land—giving people time to WAKE UP to the fact that your Nation is in serious jeopardy of DYING and that they must begin to fight for her. But a time is coming soon where things will begin to change so RAPIDLY that you will have to run to catch up with changing EVENTS and LEADERSHIP across your Nation. It will be like a SURPRISE BLIZZARD that buries a town UNEXPECTEDLY in the Fall—no one has their winter clothes or boots out, and the snowplows haven’t been brought out of storage. It brings about a shock and a flurry of activity to dig out of the avalanche of snow. I AM telling you ahead of time that an UNEXPECTED season like that is coming to your Nation. I AM commissioning DISCLOSURES and PROSECUTIONS. You be there to help clear a pathway through this season and get them to stable ground in Me because ‘THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN'.”

LYRICS from this 1963 song by Bob Dylan, “For the loser now will be later to win...and the first one now will later be last, for the times they are a-changin'.”


“Did you hear it? Did you feel it? Did you see it? That WIND you hear, feel, and see moving through the tops of the trees are My HOST moving out at My command. They are on assignment to ANNIHILATE the enemy defenses and to EXPOSE all their hiding places. FIRES will be burning soon in the enemy’s camp driven by the FORCE of My Host wind into INFERNOS that cannot be quenched. It is My BREATH that has propelled the Host to carry out their assault, and it is My BREATH that will continue to blow until the enemy is FLATTENED and all the HOT

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AIR of their lies is driven from their lungs. They will find themselves BREATHLESS and unable to DEFEND themselves against the TRUTH and JUSTICE My wind brings. All their evil schemes and boasting will be BLOWN AWAY. All their chanting and evil plotting will be BLOWN AWAY. All their threats, blackmail, and intimidation will be BLOWN AWAY. The atmosphere over your Land will become CLEAN and LIFE-GIVING, and I will BREATHE BLESSING AND LIFE on your Nation. Ultimately, I AM the One who gives the BREATH OF LIFE and who has the power to take it away. Stand in AWE of the One who has come as a WIND in the tops of the Mulberry trees to FLATTEN your enemies.”

2 SAMUEL 5:24 “And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the Lord will go out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.”

6. 10/30/21 JOURNAL NUGGET

“Obstacles and pushback are not DEFEATS. They are designed to STRENGTHEN your FAITH as you call on My FAITHFULNESS to see you and your Nation through to VICTORY. Don't ever give up!”


“The enemy and his followers want you to think of this day as a day of DARKNESS and FEAR, but I AM declaring this as a DAY OF LIGHT—MY LIGHT! My light that OVERCOMES any darkness and that turns night into day. Today as you WORSHIP and EXALT Me and declare an END to the rule of darkness over this Land, the powers of darkness over this day WILL BE BROKEN. It will NEVER be the same again and those seeking power from darkness on this day will not find it. Declare the enemy’s reign over this day is BROKEN by the POWER OF MY SON’S BLOOD. Declare a new season over your Land—an end to DARKNESS and INJUSTICE ruling and the establishing of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to now REIGN in its place. I have always had the power to displace the darkness but I have had to have a people who would be WILLING TO FILL the places the darkness had stolen. Now I have a MIGHTY, AWAKENED remnant who will rule in the midst of a DEFEATED enemy. Do not give back this HARD-FOUGHT GROUND! Continue to live IN and

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FROM MY PRESENCE—mighty Army of God, beloved Sons and Daughters. Declare this as a day of LIFE and LIGHT!”

JOHN 1:4, 5 “A fountain of life was in Him (Jesus), for His life is light for all humanity. And this Light never fails to shine through darkness—Light that darkness could not overcome!” (TPT)


Dream: I am seeing many-colored leaves dropping from a Maple tree. Somehow, I knew it was related to an uncovering of J.B. I see a huge leaf come down—I've never seen one that big before

Interpretation: Trees often represent leaders in the Bible, so leaves dropping could mean leaders falling one by one. The biggest leaf representing the highest leader—could very well be a picture of J.B. coming down.

Word: “The GRAND FINALE is on the horizon. The darkness knows this and so they are going to throw every WEAPON and SCHEME they’ve thought of or planned in a DESPERATE attempt to stop the GRAND FINALE of VICTORY. Do not FEAR or be SHAKEN by the unleashing of these destructive schemes. I will not allow these plans to reach their FULL devastation and death they planned. I will use these events to AWAKEN those still sleeping, and what I allow to come down, in fact, needs to be CLEANSED and BUILT on a new foundation. As you see the darkness FLAIL and EXPEND all their ammunition, don’t DESPAIR but realize the GRAND FINALE is near and that the NEW DAY I have promised for your Nation is at the door. The need for REBUILDING in your Land will never be greater, and I have ANOINTED a builder to lead your Nation through this process. Darkness will soon be CRUSHED and BURNED, and a new Nation will arise founded on My COVENANT with your Land. Keep your Nation covered with a BLANKET OF LIGHT and PROTECTION that you release through your prayers. LOOK UP for your redemption is near, and WATCH for the GRAND FINALE.”

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Have you been seeing the numbers 11:11? There are multiple meanings and applications to 11:11 but one of the most profound is that 11/11/21 will mark the 401st anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact which dedicated this Nation to the GLORY OF GOD and to the EXPANSION OF HIS KINGDOM. 400 years is the number of years Israel was in slavery to Egypt. Are you ready in this 401st year to be delivered from the slavery of DEBT, TYRANY, and DARKNESS? 11:11 is our marker for FREEDOM and LIBERTY!


The Father beckons me to enter the War Room of Heaven. The room is buzzing with conversations between the Elders as the Father listens to them intently. I hear:

“The military campaign is going well, just as planned. Just as the Heavenly military has been activated to battle the spiritual darkness, so the military in your Nation will soon be activated to help remove the darkness from the earth.”

“You have been concerned over the predicted financial crash. Do not fear! The Father has provision you know not of, and He will keep His own. Like you heard in your dream last night, ‘He has all the gold necessary to fund it.” (As I was falling asleep last night, I suddenly saw Robin Bullock and heard his proclaim, “He has all the gold necessary to fund it.”) The Elder continued: “If you have been righteous with your finances, they will be preserved.”

Another Elder chimes in: “If only they would open their spiritual eyes and see the glorious future ahead, this time of upheaval and transition will be much easier to live through.” To me directly he says, “The Father has designed the transition season to be short for His peoples’ sake, and the rebuilding and restoring process will move swiftly along, and a new Nation will emerge. So take heart and stay close to Him.”

The Father speaks: “I want you to know how CAREFULLY the takedown of evil has been planned and always My people being PROTECTED and SHIELDED as evil

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systems fall. I really am POWERFUL enough to PROTECT, PROVIDE for, and DEFEND you through it all. Not only will the wicked know for sure that I AM GOD, but you will come to know Me on a DEEPER and more SECURE FAITH LEVEL. You will all ARISE and SHINE with My love and grace in the midst of the darkness. You are My very own TREASURES.”

11. 11/3/21 JUDGMENT DAY

“A year ago today people of DARKENED hearts and motives CONSPIRED to STEAL an election and TAKE CONTROL of your Nation. I have allowed them to think for a year that their plans succeeded and that their DIRTY DEEDS would never be UNCOVERED. Meanwhile, I have been lining them up like dominoes and when My finger PUSHES the first one over, they will all rapidly FALL. Today is JUDGMENT DAY in the Courtroom of Heaven for these wicked ones. All the EVIDENCE has been gathered—not just for stealing an election—but for ALL the evil they have done over the years to ROB, KILL, and DESTROY this Nation. Judgments released from My Courtroom CANNOT be overturned—there is no HIGHER court. The evidence CANNOT be buried by a Leviathan-controlled media because My voice TRUMPS all other voices, and I will REQUIRE them to report My Court’s findings. Keep PUSHING BACK their dark schemes that they will attempt to LAUNCH to distract from what is being REVEALED about them. DECLARE that these plans IMPLODE on them and STOMP on their lit fuses until their plots FIZZLE OUT and come to nothing. Feel the WEIGHT of My JUDGMENTS descend today.”

PSALM 7:6 “Yahweh, arise in Your anger against the anger of my enemies. Awaken Your fury and stand up for me! Execute the judgment You have decreed against them.” (TPT)

Diana Larkin in Twitter: @JournalDiana11

For further social media information, see: Diana Larkin's prophetic words featured on this program, plus further information about her social media sites are featured this video at Glory Bound: https://glorybound.info/234/diana-larkin-we-happy-few-the-times-they-are-a-changin/

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