We did not win the election. But we’re not done, we still have a lot of winning to do.

3 years ago

Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. right before and after the Tuesday Nov. 2nd Election. It just got so busy!!I made the videos! And took the pics😎 just didn’t have the time to do to post ‘em. Oy.
I am however NOT sorry we tried to get on the school board. And I say “we” Bc this hasn’t just been an individual effort. I’ve had just magical support behind me and everyone I met, continue to hear from, and all 474 of you that came out and voted for “Jenna Lee”.
All was not done in vain, this was just the first step.
We have only just begun!
Most importantly, we have started the conversation, and that is perhaps the most important part of it all.
(Stay updated here and “voteformejennalee “ telegram account for all msad35 school board updates as well as school board info in general and our efforts from my amazing little town in South Berwick, Maine, to Make Parent Voices Matter Again.

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