November 7, 2021

3 years ago

web page article:

this video has been saved to here because it seems the content will sooner or later be removed from youtube.

This here can also be downloaded and 'shared out of site' without a risk to get a twatter or yucktub account removed.

this is major fair use of the entire video since it is a documentation of a strongly suspected ongoing criminal activity: infanticide and vivisection of newborns, as well as organ trade for profit

I am neither for or against 'choice': every woman has to make this extremely difficult decision, and everyone I know who had to make this decision, alone, or as a couple, has been suffering from it.
That includes also women I know personally who used abortion as 'birth control', multiple times: those, now 'grown up' do suffer particularly. At least the ones I know personally.
I don't know drug addicts who may do abortions.
Personally I have no such experience.

However, we have now seen online multiple instances where not only organ trade for profit was executed, but where executives of clinics were haggling over pricing, and representatives of labs and research agencies were negotiating aggressively.
Laughing about '... and make sure the eyes are shut' when talking about trading entire infant (not fetus) heads, and lab personal was being very upset finding such a thing in a 'tissue sample shipment'.

Someone has to make a very hard decision, I have no opinion.
But all the ancillary activity, profitable, suggesting to me that 'advice' might be given with a profitable 'tissue harvesting' in mind: sick!

Share this. This is outrageous.


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