Youtube deleted this video within 20 minutes of post- Youtube SUCK

2 years ago

I just posted this on youtube and it was deleted due to medical misinformation. No such thing as two sides to every story on youtube.

mRNA style vaccines are designed to cut and change YOUR DNA and what is worse is that the designers of it are proud of their work. All except Dr Robert Malone who is being censored for warning people of the dangers and he would know.
It can't be hidden under a scientific rock any longer...

This is about Covid 19 vaccines and Crispr technology. I have attempted to use layman's terms to describe what CRISPR gene drives are and how they are a danger to every form of life on Earth especially to humans who are allowing themselves to be human lab-rats without questioning anything.
You will hear and see what little surprises are contained in the four main covid 19 vaccines and this will hopefully lead many to realise that they are better off using a tried and true drug that has already saved so many lives from covid worldwide. Actually only in those countries that either aren't afraid of using Ivermectin or HydroxyChloriquine or aren't being coerced by the Big Pharmaceutical giants that are making unprecedented profits from these new, untested, untrialed gene therapy drugs that can alter mankind's DNA for ever.
This is my first complete video production so please understand that it is not of the best quality but it serves it's purpose.
If you do like it please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE AND LIKE/RUMBLE and if you can donate to my fund for better equipment to make more videos on these world changing lies and actions of the worlds elite scum. Donate to paypal
Thanks everyone!

Donations gratefully accepted at PayPal for the purchase of better video and audio equipment so I can continue to produce videos.
Want to see other videos on what is happening around us then go over and view GTV’s youtube channel HERE:


Dangers of CRISPR

Dr Young Article

Cadmium Selenide resource

Dr Young paper

Data source on USA FDA clinical hold--

Karen Kingston

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