Aussie - Talija Raffone - 31 - Horrendous Pfizer Injuries

3 years ago

Special Event: Facebook Live interview with Australian vaccine victim

One on one interview with Talija Raffone (known as Nat) about her severe adverse reactions.

Doctors cannot give exemption to second dose and now she must take it up with the medical board.

Here is her TikTok account: (see her videos from before- TikTok Removed her "after" video because it violates integrity - she wrote to them saying this is who I am now - the censorship is the biggest crime):

If you would like to support Nat in anyway please contact her or please help her finance her recovery here

Facebook Live with Tami Jane. To help Tami Jane to continue to bring you live and exclusive content please support her work at

Source (Facebook Live):

Australian Free Independent Press Network:

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