35 years ago, US sent election observers to Philippines, but how about now ?

3 years ago

At the time of Ferdinand Marcos 20-years dictatorship ending, there in Philippines nationwide fraudulent elections were held. The Election Commission manipulated the number of votes and many Aqino votes were found in the sewers. So US government dispatched the observer and declared, "Even if the Marcos gets the higher votes, once found the fraudulent in public, US will not accept the result !!" It's 35 years ago, then how about now... how about your own election... ?? Many votes have manipulated and some similarly found in sewers... it's actually like Philippines 35 years ago..., and you cannot fix the left-wing dictatorship by yourself even holding the strongest power of military... Russian Putin announced the sympathy for the degeneracy, and the some western countries are whispering they may need to send ELECTION OBSERVERS !!

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