Humanity Party of Canada Will Put Every Citizen First Before Anything

3 years ago

Humanity Party of Canada Will Put Every Citizen First Before Anything.

Consider that what we are saying at HPOC is not a promise, not an attempt but, if you vote for this party in the next election, you will be authorizing a brand new way of life in Canada and probably will trigger change like this in most other countries around the Globe.
When you join us and vote in the next election, you are literally authorizing the following:
1. $4,000 per month net pay for every Canadian citizen between the ages of 18 and 120
2. 1 Acre of land after completing the homestead training program
3. Mentors to help build and farm on your land
4. Opportunity to earn extra income working 1-4 hours shifts
5. Opportunity to start a business with mentors
6. Opportunity to attend college, university or specific trade training for only a low monthly payment
7. Endless opportunities to earn income while serving your country
8. Free military training for anyone, any age and any time
9. Low cost dental for every citizen, payment plans
10. Rent leasing caps for each situation and each residential zone type
11. Sports facilities, sports equipment
12. Commadering multi apartment buldings and stocking them with every facility imaginable to house homeless and mentally disabled. These apartment buildings will have medical facilities, manufacturing facilities, training, high tech surveillance and an earn your laptop, software and more working in the apartment building for a variety of staffing needs
13. Humanity Party of Canada is not only for humanity but its by humanity meaning that every single citizen who wants to is directly responsible for making day to day decisions of governing
14. Media and Communications will be completely gutted and re-built under a brand new integrated studio system where artists, creators, actors, filmmakers, set personnel, musicians, performers, dancers and more will be paid a small stipend on top of their $4,000 per month guaranteed salary from the Canadian government
15. Corporations will be creatively taxed to help offset costs but, they will be given far more advertising opportunities and more
16. All non-violent criminal records will be destroyed. They will not be "Record Suspensions" but they will be completely destroyed from every tech and paper platform
19. Transparency will be 100% for every Canadian to be able to see exactly where the money goes
20. Artists and Performers will be given all kinds of grants
21. Every Canadian will have access to further funding programs
22. The entire credit system will be overhauled and started over from scratch
23. Seriously mentally disabled individuals will be maintained in cutting edge but extremely comfortable and hopeful buildings that will also run all kinds of experimental medications, programs and more. Medications will focus on comfort, opioid bases and we will remove all medications that simply kill the patients emotional capacity and will to live and feel
24. There will be daily secured online meetings and suggestion groups and rooms where every citizen can officially contribute to the future of Canada and our citizens
25. Violent gang members, repeat murderers, murder for money criminals will be executed humanely.
26. Every other criminal gang member, especially organized stalking and cyber torture terrorists in Canada will be arrested, held in special new prison systems and ejected from Canada
27. Those who hurt or abuse animals will be facing a minimum 5-10 year prison term in again, special prison system designed for inmates to work for atleast four hours every day and paid fairly.
28. Animal shelters will be doubled and special shelters will be built in campsite settings overlooking lakes and or rivres.
29. All foreign purchased realestate in Canada will be purchased back by local government with corporate help (strictly Canadian owned and operated companiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
30. Our seniors in Canada will be renamed "Mentors" and they will housed in two level centres built into rural forest and lake areas on the fringes of Toronto. Seniors will have access to record numbers of facilities, physiotherapy, sports made for them, training, entertainment, swimming, friendship groups and so much more. Anyone who intimidates or abuses any mentor will receive stiff sentences in prison for retraining.
32. Anyone who abducts, sexually abuses, murders, frightens or hurts our Canadian children in any way whatsoever will be executed very soon after conviction.
33. There is yet another 164 actions Humanity Party of Canada will live by.

Email us at to sign up for our official party in Canada.

Stand up, enough is enough, don't believe their lies anymore!
Gordon Welke
Leona Sackaney

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