Deleted video of travis Scott's blood sacrifice viewing "fan"

3 years ago

This video was deleted ASAP... I caught it still on the other phone after they had already deleted the link...

This was a sacrifice and probably just a test to see how good it works... probably has to do with 5g (maybe even 6g) and the vaxxines...

I'm willing to bet anything we will see this on a VERY MUCH LARGER SCALE soon enough... a paramedic said "they all started falling out around the same time out of nowhere". Reported over 300 had to see the paramedics... maybe we will see this happen in a place like New York next, KEEP YOUR EYES FIXED ON CHRIST AND FIRSAKE ALL EVIL! FORSAKE ALL SIN! GET READY AND STAY READY!!

The proponents of this theory showed what they deem to be "evidence." The first piece of evidence were the hundreds of posters in the arena that show an image of a hooded "death" like figure, with the words "See you on the other side."

Pretty ominous, given what happened.

Then, when people started dying, fans were shocked by what they are calling "indifference" by Travis.

In one video, MTO News watched as a fan climbed up to the stage and begged Travis Scott to stop performing - so that medical professionals could get through the crowd and help fallen victims.

It appears that Travis heard the fans pleas and refused them.

In the below video, you hear a fan begging Travis to help the dying fans. The rapper refused, and you hear him bark back at the fan, "Who asked me to stop?" Then Travis inexplicable is heard saying, "You know what you came here to do."

Travis then continued the concert.

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