Biden’s Vax Mandate Halted by Appeals Court, 3722

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Jumpin Joe Biden’s attempt to completely destroy the American economy came to a screeching halt today when a federal appeals court granted an emergency stay to multiple businesses in Texas, Utah and Mississippi, including the American Family Association, who had sued the Biden administration over their vaccine mandate unveiled just days ago.

According to the order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit:

“Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate, the mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court.”

The only higher court in the U.S. is the United States Supreme Court. If the Court of Appeals goes on to render a full decision against the mandate, then the Biden administration has no other court to appeal to other than the Supremes.

The petitioners – the American Family Association, as well as a chain of grocery stores across Louisiana and Mississippi – said that the Dept. of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which put forward the so-called mandate as an Emergency Temporary Standard or ETS, had exceeded OSHA’s authority. They claimed that OSHA is limited to workplace-related hazards. The petitioners also said that the mandate doesn’t make any sense because COVID-19 is not only a workplace hazard, because it depends on an employee’s age and health, not how many employees the employer has.

The OSHA rule only applied to businesses with 100 or more employees – about 2/3rds of the private sector workforce.

According to Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, one of the petitioners:

“The court’s action not only halts Biden from moving forward with his unlawful overreach, but it also commands the judicious review we sought. The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the Constitution.”

The next step is for the court next week to decide whether or not to make the emergency stay of the mandate into a permanent injunction. That would effectively shut down the mandate pending a reversal in the U.S. Supreme Court, and that would be yet another blow to Biden’s machinations in the wake of last Tuesday’s smashing defeats at the hands of the voters.

Had the emergency stay not been handed down by the court, many areas of Louisiana and Mississippi would have had trouble keeping their residents supplied with food – trouble that the leftists in power in Washington would have found amusing.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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