Facebook Censorship:Trump Biden Kamala racism boomer Iran China rogan POTUS politics CNN Brandon sex

3 years ago

Facebook Censorship: Trump Biden Kamala refugee Iran China joe rogan Pillow Pence POTUS politics CNN riots racism sexism ageism boomer

I got censored on Facebook apparently for saying "Let's Go Brandon" in response to asking for your favorite Weird Al UHF quote when talking about how R.J. Fletcher sounds a lot like CNN.

It is not hateful to say: The News is Lying.

If we cannot speak out against lies, we have no way of identifying the truth.

What is weird... Why would Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Amazon, Twitch, Google stand up for an obvious lie? They're all behind CNN and defending a liar on national TV in front of a stadium of people watching them lie. If they defend a lie so obvious, then sinister things are happening. Listen for the truth.

I love people who think conspiracy people are crazy. I just agree with em!

Answer em,"I toooooootally agree! Yeah anyone who mentions Big Tobacco and how they try and cover up that cigs give cancer, and I'm like,"Screw you conspiracy theorist! Next thing you'll say is 'JFK didn't die of natural causes, lobbyists bribe politicians.'


There ain't a single conspiracy that's true. I know CNN is right because they told me, and I appeal to authority. Besides CNN is the world's most trusted news source in the world, they said so themselves! If someone says trust em, you know they're trusty! Friend, you're so right that you know everything going on in the world everywhere because otherwise you wouldn't be so sure that nothing goes on in secret. I'm so glad to have a friend who knows everything everywhere to be able to state what you state.

At this point, people who parrot the news that conspiracies aren't real suddenly feel like the idiots they are. Turn off the news, the news lies to you.

After watching this powerful video:

Check the following links:

Biden and CNN plotted and executed the race riots artificically to gain power:


Facebook trying to "PAPERS PLEASE" me:



Loss of freedoms since 9/11:

Dominoes of Fear:

Censorship I:

Censorship II:

Bonus video, twitch banns me for just listening to the My Pillow Guy Talk: https://rumble.com/vo5nkb-only-on-rumble-twitch-banned-youtube-removed-talk-on-pod-terrorism-drug-car.html

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