"Group Think" explained: Understanding the Collective

3 years ago

When a person who is unfamiliar with the grip that group think can have on people encounters this phenomenon, the behaviour of those under its influence will appear to him or her to be an impenetrable mystery. Yet if this person is reasonably self aware, encountering this psychological oddity will lead him or her to try to understand what they are experiencing. It should be stated that the group thinkers themselves are totally unaware of their own ideological possession. Therefore, the following defines this encounter with this human equivalent of the Borg from Star Trek.
i): For all the effort the person who is unfamiliar with group think may apply to understand the phenomenon, and this person will likely expend a great deal of energy trying, those who are under group think’s sway will absolutely refuse to attempt to understand the free thinker since self awareness is completely beyond their grasp. In fact, group think requires the opposite, that they deny themself and their own unique identity to assume the thinking of the ingroup
ii): This will first lead them to feel pity for the free thinker because the group thinkers only think as they do because they are so enlightened
iii): They will attempt to persuade the free thinker to negate themselves to join them in the collective acceptance of the wisdom of the group
iv): As the free thinker resists, individuals in the group will become adamant about the righteousness and justice of their thinking which leads to vitriol being directed toward the free thinker’s obstinance
v): They will label a free thinker as a Cro-Magnon, Philistine, racist pig, privileged bigot or some such drivel in order to signal to the group that this person has been declared anathema
vi): They will then marginalize, silence, and disenfranchise the free thinker and if possible, render their very presence superfluous. Today vast numbers of the non-compliant are being fired from their jobs for the unforgivable sin of thinking for themselves
vii): Worse than all of this is that those who may state they loathe group think yet who do nothing to stop it are undeniably under its influence and therefore are equally guilty as those who first propagated this mind worm
I actually believe that God sent me to Norway to learn these very difficult truths. I have met very few Norwegians who say they like the Law of Jante (Tall Poppy Syndrome) yet I have never met one who is not undeniably under its influence for even the freest thinking among them exhibits fear of group censor.
We will either dare to be ourselves by dealing with our own true psychological and spiritual nature or we will submit ourselves to the dictates of others whose very ideology states they do not care for our individual well being but only for preserving the sacred uniformity within the group.

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