SQLite | Basics | Part I | SQLite CREATE, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT Statements

3 years ago

SQLite Tutorial

In this part, we're going to talk about "what is SQLite", "How to use SQLite", "when to use SQLite" etc.

Then, we're going to see how to create a SQLite table , how to add rows, how to delete rows, how to update rows, how to read the table and so on using a Firefox Add-on tool called SQLite Reader.

In a nutshell SQLite is single file full database. Its extremely portable, fast, easy to use, serverless and ACID compliant.


#What is SQLite?
#Why SQLite?
#How to use SQLite?
#Where to use SQLite?
#CRUD in SQLite

How to create a table in SQLite?
How to add rows?
How to delete rows?
How to delete a table?
How to update a row?
How to read, display rows?

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