iconoclastic, yet spazzing out for the Lord (piano punk in garage)

3 years ago

my main question for God
God: i got a plan, now calm yer ass
screaming straight into a well
i don't have to do what they do (PRAISE GOD!)
as if making it thru is what they're doin
God (after throwing me into this world): let's watch what happens
so lucky to have my cubby!
i don't have to be out there with them
i appreciate it for em from a distance
how could you possibly love yourself if you don't know who you are
good quality time with you
how could you know that what you wanna do is what you want to
i know why i'm over here
excruciating to try to fit in way over there
mushrooms or lsd...that's the Kingdom baby
that's arlo (cat) at the door
satan tried to take me down via alcoholism, fornication, and shoplifting
compromising my integrity
the mirror used to be my enemy
obscurity is beautiful
i can't imagine being any good at conventional shit
hard headed af
all these people convince themselves that they enjoy stuff that isn't even remotely enjoyable
this isn't life, man
lights (now) for Jesus
dave thomas was probably a child molestor
child abuse will never be talked about enough because nobody wants to
why do you have to be in prison to kill a child molestor

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