Worth the risk?

3 years ago

Senator Ron Johnson had a father testify during a hearing about the horrible effect the Wuhan Flu shot had on his 16-year old son.
He was told it was worth the risk, so he told his son to get the shot.
As stories like Mr. Ramirez's continue to be ignored, and we continue to be called "anti-vaxxers," I have come to the conclusion that the government, including its accolites and its sheep, are nothing more than drug pushers.
The Killer Clown Biden "administration" has released the details for their unscientific and wholly unconstitutional shot mandate. Is it worth the risk? Why don't they ask Mr. Ramirez?

Link to Mr. Ramirez's heartbreaking testimony:

Sweden suspends the use of the Moderna shots due to health risks (you may need a browser that supports translation):

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