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2 years ago

Michael Allmain Case Chronology

April 19th, 2019

After Dark on April 19th, 2019 Michael Allmain’s dog, Moses, Jumped or Fell out of a canopy out of the back of Michael’s Truck, in the Port Hadlock, Washington area. Michael looked all night, calling Mo Mo, searching throughout the night. Michael looked for days and he posted on Facebook looking for Moses, as well as called the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office in Hadlock.

April 20th, 2019

On April 20th 2019 around 9am, a Port Hadlock Good Samaritan called 911 about a dog that looked attacked. Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson and Deputy Kevin Denney went on the call. Here is that Original incident Report. Click Below to Read.

The above is important to take note of, as The OWNERS asked to see their pet, their property, and Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson said NO, and that the Dogs location would be kept confidential until Vet Feels Appropriate. What Vet? Christine Parker Graham, the alleged “volunteer” vet at Center Valley Animal Rescue? Or was he talking about the then Vet Tech Sara Penhallegon? Is it Legal for Deputy Brian Peterson to hold your property, your injured pet at a “confidential” location? Was there discrimination? Why prevent the owners from seeing their beloved family pet? And under what statutes, laws, or authority was this Deputy holding the property, and at a confidential location? I allege this was not legal, was discriminating, and that Deputy Brian Peterson and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office is liable for this.

I Allege that Deputy Brian Peterson acted Criminally in signing a fraudulent document, an impound notice that lied about the whereabouts of Michael Allmain’s property. I Allege Fraud, Violation of Due Process, Discrimination and theft of property.

I Allege that Deputy Kevin Denney violated state law in taking Michael Allmain’s property, his emotional support dog, un-neutered (able to sell puppies 1-3thousand each), even if not care about his mental health or emotional state, they took a man’s property with value even in commercial value alone, Deputy Kevin Denney violated state law in taking an injured stray to CVAR, instead of to a licensed vet open at that time. CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Sara Penhallegon violated State Law by accepting possession of this dog, Moses, that very first day. I also allege theft as CVAR used this to steal Allmain’s dog permanently, as they placed a lien for charges for this illegal incarceration at CVAR of Moses by Deputy Kevin Denney, that Michael Allmain the owner had nothing to do with and they did illegally, Denney I Allege is a co-conspirator in that theft.

I allege it is illegal to have kept Moses from his owner Micahel Allmain and performing medical treatments without consent, as they knew who the owner was days in and still kept his dog for 3 weeks, finally taken by the Humane Society as a matter of Law, then they charged the owner Michael Allmain for this illegal activity. The Sheriffs department, County Prosecutors and county commissioners covered for them, gave them legal advice, and went after Micheal Allmain for them, CVAR, as the record proves.

Back to April 20th, 2019. Deputy Kevin Denney takes Moses, the injured Half Timber Wolf Hybrid Dog, to Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene Washington. I am alleging that this was a violation of State Law, it was ILLEGAL for Deputy Denney to take Moses to CVAR, as they were NOT a Licensed Animal Vet qualified for this Emergency Care, and there was a Vet Open that Day, closer by, in Chimacum and most likely Port Hadlock and Port Townsend, it was a Saturday and qualified licensed Vet’s were open. CVAR did not have a Contract with the County and SHOULD never have met Moses. There was NO LAWFUL reason for the Jefferson County Sheriff Deputies to take Moses to an Animal Rescue Sanctuary in Quilcene with NO LICENSED VET. None the less that is where Moses was taken, and Moses Owner Michael Allmain was forbidden from seeing his dog, his property, his Everything. Sara Penhallegon, unlicensed vet, made medical decisions for MOSES, without the Owner's Consent or Knowledge. Sara, CVAR kept Michael Allmain’s dog for weeks with NO VISITATIONS. She made ALL medical decisions for Michael’s dog, and was aided and abetted to do this via Deputy Brian Peterson telling Michael his dog was being kept at a “confidential” location. Sara Penhallegon, director of Center Valley Animal Rescue had no intention of EVER giving Moses back to his Owner, nor taking him to where he legally should have been by this time, which was HSJC, Human Society Jefferson County. More on that later in the Chronology.

Police Report and Impound Notice 4-20-2021
Click Below to Read Documents

Case No.: 19-3761 4-20-2019
Deputy Brian Peterson Initial Report

Click Below for PDF of the Original Impound Notice (it is Fraud on the Court in my opinion and a flat out lie, as Moses was not at the humane society)

April 21st, 2019

On April 21st, 2019 Center Valley Animal Rescue (CVAR) Director Sara Penhallegon wrote up an intake letter regarding Michael Allmain’s dog Moses. Click Below to Read this Letter.

April 25th, 2019

We continue on with April 25th, 2019, Michael comes into the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and speaks with Deputy Brian Peterson, Peterson added the above narrative. And also on this day Officer Brian Peterson had Michael Allmain, Moses Owner, Sign a Fraudulent Impound Notice. I say fraudulent, because the Impound Notice CLEARLY says that Michael Allmain’s property, his emotional support dog, family and best friend was at the Humane Society Jefferson County and had been since 4-20-2019, pet State Law, per Jefferson County Statutes, and we see those statutes named in the Impound Notice Michael Allmain Signed. We know that was a flat out lie, per the documents above. Moses was clearly, without a doubt, at Center Valley Animal Rescue and NOT at the Humane Society in Jefferson County Washington. I have verified with Michael that the Impound Notice is his signature, and folks though the Impound Notice is dated 4-20-2019, note there is conveniently no date on the day Michael was served, however we can presume the date is 4-25-2019 from the incident report above and the narrative of Michael’s dog being held in a confidential location and his release would be up to the “Vet”.

Here is a Photo of the Impound Notice

4-25-2019 Notice of IMPOUND Dated 4-20-2019. Click Below for PDF.

I allege this is fraud, and also fraud on the court, bearing false witness, Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy as the Impound Notice and narrative was sent to the county prosecutors in a criminal investigation. I allege bearing false witness, violation of due process, property rights violations, acting a vet without a license for CVAR and enabled by the JCSO.

Per the Impound Notice Above Officer Brian Peterson gave false witness, as he had the owner sign a fraudulent document and he knew it was false at the time of signing, as Moses, Michael Allmain’s Dog had already been at CVAR for 5 days by then, so the whole redeem in 5 days was a complete farce at best.

Back to April 25th, 2019, Michael Allmain signs a handwritten Statement to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. Click Below to read that. Note the date of the Accident was 4-13-2019, and the Date of Dog found by Hadlock Resident, 4-20-2019.

April 29th, 2019

April 29th, 2019 Michael Allmain Calls Jefferson County Sheriff RegarApril 29th, 2019 ding his Dog. Wondering wear his dog is, Homeless at the time, told to contact Deputy 36.

Click Below to Read Incident Report

MAY 2019

May 6th 2019
On May 6th 2019 Sara Penhallegon, Director of Center Valley Animal Rescue sent an email to Deputy Brian Peterson and Deputy Kevin Denney.

“Wondering if you talk to the owner yet and if he was planning to surrender the dog or not.” Says Sara. Also this email says we have done a number of surgeries on him now and are doing regular sedation for bandage changes.

Keep in mind folks when there is no discrimination and they follow the law the owner gets to decide what surgeries his dog gets, and the owner is involved in the risk of sedation. Michael Allmain did not give Consent for CVAR to do any Medical Procedures on his dog, Sara Penhallegon was acting as a vet without a license, and keeping the owner from the process entirely, not even a visitation.

Center Valley Animal Rescue sedated Michael Allmain's dog over and over again because their treatments were so harsh and painful. Moses did not need sedation when he was with Michael, his owner as you will see later in Facebook posts by the Human Society VP Ellen Heineman, where she says that MOSES is doing well with his huma and did not need sedation for treatment when with his owner. Center Valley Animal Rescue is guilty of animal cruelty, I Allege, they were not protecting this dog they were harming this dog for their own unjust enrichment. They gave harsh and dangerous treatments, and with NO CONSENT.

The email goes on to say we have done a number of surgeries on him now and are doing regular sedation for bandage changes. He is on pain medications and antibiotics still and doing well. This email also talks about allowing a member of the public to come and visit Moses several times a week and that this member of the public gave them a $1,000 donation. Center Valley Animal Rescue would not let the owner of the dog see his property his dog, his best friend, not even one time and this was enabled by Deputy Brian Peterson who put in his incident report that he told Michael Allmain that the dog was at a confidential location yet made Michael Allmain sign a legal document, witnessed by Peterson, that said his dog was at Jefferson County Humane Society.

This email goes on to say we have not put anything out about him since it's a cruelty case but his care will cost thousands so if we can put something out it would be good and we'll offset any county bill.

They were ILLEGALLY using Michael’s property, his dog to create revenue for themselves and their non-profit. They are keeping Michael from his dog at this time and driving up the county costs illegally, then act as if getting the word out would be good for the County. NOPE it was ONLY good for CVAR as they got Donation based on the frenzy of slanderous lies and defamation they put “out”. And they defamed Michael Allmain with Malice, as they knew that Michael had not abused or neglected his dog, and that he did not deliberately drag his dog. As CVAR states such on their Facebook posts, and in many emails, as you will see below. Yet they worked the public up in an emotional frenzy so the public would donate money to them. At the same time they stated online that they would pay all ongoing costs, seen below too, and yet in Bait and Switch, this Washington State 501(c)3 non-profit sued the owner years later for those costs and took his dog. Let’s continue with this email.
Click Below to Read the eMail I am referring to above.

Center Valley Animal Rescue USED Michael's Dog for their Financial GAIN. They STOLE His Property, Defamed Him, Taunted Him, Harassed and Stalked Him. CVAR Let Strangers Visit Moses but Denied the Owner Visitation. Sara treated Moses Cruelly with constant Sedation he did not need with his Owner Present. Sara DENIED the Owner the Right to Make Medical Decisions for His Dog, No Owner Consent.

CVAR, Sara Penhallegon GOT donations to her Non-Profit directly off of here emotional, criminal defamation against Michael Allmain, she deliberately, knowingly lied about Allmain on Facebook, and whipped up community outrage, many of those donated to CVAR, including the woman who found Moses donated $1000. I allege this is Fraud, Bait and Switch, Unjust enrichment by defaming Michael Allmain. And these actions by CVAR, Sara Penhallegon endangered Micheal Allmain’s life every day, as those in the community she lied to, they believed Michael had drug his dog behind his truck and more than once. They threatened to kill him daily, stalked him, harassed him, called the police on him dozens of times, drove him to massive suicidal mental anguish and suffering daily.

And even though she got these donations, grants from other nonprofits and government agencies, she sued Michael Allmain and won $28,000 and got his dog permanently and a $25,000 judgment against Michael Allmain. I allege this judgment is Fraud on the Court, Denial Of Due Process, Theft, Perjury, Criminal Defamation while knowing the truth.

May 10th, 2019

May 10th, 2019 email from Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue to Deputy Brian Peterson and Deputy Kevin Denney. Sara wants them to sign a document. See what happened is, Paul Becker, the Director of the Human Society Jefferson County, who was under contract with the county, and where Moses should have been taken and where Deputy Peterson LIED and had Michael sign a Fraudulent Notice of Impound that his dog was at the Humane Society, well Paul filed a complaint with the Jefferson County Commissioners, and I believe the Vet Board, I don’t have documentation of the Vet Board complaint yet, however CVAR Sara mentions it in emails you will see further along in this chronology. Anyway Paul contacted the Jefferson County Sheriff and brought the situation to their attention that Moses should be at the Humane Society as a matter of LAW, and so the Deputies let Sara know via Phone Call I presume as I have not yet seen all those communications that day.
Here is the Email from Sara this Day.

7:40am May 11th, 2019, Deputy Brian Peterson eMails CVAR, Sara Penhallegon that he is coming to Get Moses.
Sara did not want Moses to leave, she had held him illegally for 3 weeks by then, and wanted the Owner to Pay her, and she did not want Michael to ever have Moses again. They clearly violated Michael Allmain’s rights and acted illegally. Click Below to read this eMail

May 11, 2019, 9:29 am to Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson, Undersheriff Andy Persteiner, Sheriff Joe Noel, Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie regarding her recommendations on dog Moses she should never have met, and of which she is not a licensed Vet.
Click Below for this email.

And here is the Attached Document she had the deputies sign. CVAR and Deputy Peterson of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Sign Document that Moses is leaving CVAR and they don’t agree with the decision, keep in mind Moses was at CVAR illegally and they were cruel to him, with painful treatments that required massive sedation. Sara’s recommendations are coming from an unlicensed vet that had Moses ILLEGALLY.

Below is a Link to Many FOI eMails between CVAR Sara and Sheriff, for you to Explore.

May 2019 CVAR Facebook Threads, RCC Commentary
Below we see a Facebook Post from May of 2019, Center Valley Animal Rescue is Getting Lots of Requests on “Roady Updates”, see CVAR Sara worked the public up about Michael Allmain. I Allege Sara Penhallegon is guilty of Criminal Defamation as she knowingly posted falsehoods about Michael Allmain, she deleted his side of the story and invigorated a Lynch Mob that threatened him constantly, harassed him, stalked him, reported him to the Port Townsend Police ongoing, threatened to kill him, threatened to take his dog out of county and tell him it died, threatened to drive Michael behind a vehicle, and this violence toward Michael Allmain incited by Sara Penhallegon went on for years and all the while she knew he was innocent and his dog had simply had a bad accident and what she did was monstrous. As she kept Michael from his injured dog, so very cruel and discriminating. And all this to CVAR’s Unjust Enrichment. CVAR is also Guilty, I Allege, of Bait and Switch as they knew the Truth, yet Fed the lie to their public on their well established FB page for their long time local non-profit, and got Donations based on this Falsehood, this Defamatory Lie and knew it was a lie. Read post below where CVAR says they are Willing to Provide ALL Ongoing Care. When it opens Click on it to Play.

May 11, 2019

The Video Below is of a Center Valley Animal Rescue Facebook Post of May 11th, 2019. This post proves that CVAR knew they were maliciously spreading lies about Michael Allmain after this, whale they knew the Truth.

I Allege Criminal Defamation, Defamation, Painting in False Light, Life Endangerment, Harassment, Stalking, Bait and Switch, Theft, Constitutional Rights Violations, Violation of Due Process.
Click Below for Facebook Post proving CVAR knew the TRUTH and yet Spread the LIE, of which directly benefitted them financially.

May 11th 2021

On May 11th 2021 Sara Penhallegon, CVAR director, emailed the Jefferson Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) with complaints about a “recurring situation” with Becker apparently related to an earlier disagreement over animal care. “Becker” is Paul Becker, the Director of the Humane Society Jefferson County, his non-profit had a contract with the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County, NOT CVAR.
Regarding the wolf hybrid, Penhallegon praised the sheriff’s deputies who brought the animal to CVAR. She said the wolf hybrid was “starving with chronic skin and ear infections” but after three weeks of care, had gained 20 pounds and all but two wounds were closed.
“He tries to bit [sic] and is very hard to even get an injection into and nothing can be done without sedation,” Penhallegon wrote of the animal.
“We are not here for the healthy stray animals, they should go to the [Human Society]; but for the unhealthy, sick or injured animals that need medical or behavioral care, that is what I do,” she wrote, describing herself as a licensed veterinary technician and wildlife rehabilitator.
She suggested that CVAR reach an agreement with Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend “for animals such as Roady to get the care they need and then proper placement.
We would hope this type of agreement would improve animal welfare in Jefferson County as well as save taxpayer money.”
Click Below to read Sara Penhallegon’s letter to Jefferson County Commissioners and the Added Update.

May 12th 2019

On May 11th, 2019, Center Valley Animal Rescue was made to obey the law and let Moses go to where he was supposed to be as a matter of law, which was the Human Society Jefferson County in Port Townsend Washington. Due to Paul Becker, the Director of the Local Humane Society, HSJC, who was under contract with the County and the City to take in stray animals. Paul Becker complained that Sara Penhallegon, director of local 501(c)3 non-profit Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene had been practicing vet medicine without a license, and he claimed that the treatments she used on Moses were to painful, and she should not have had to sedate him so much. Paul Becker, HSJC Director, let the Jefferson County Commissioners know, as well as local authorities, that Moses was being deliberately kept from his owner, with no way for his owner to redeem his animal. So therefore, Deputy Brian Peterson went to CVAR and got Moses. Sara the Director of CVAR was made and thus began her coming 2.5 year vicious defamatory campaign against Moses owner, Michael Allmain.

Deputy Brian Peterson and Deputy Kevin Denney violated state law in taking Moses to CVAR that first time Moses met Sara. It was unlawful to have taken Moses to an unlicensed vet that Saturday April 20th 2019, when they first got the call about Moses. As there were licensed vet’s open and keep in mind that Deputy Brian Peterson had Moses owner Michael Allmain sign a fraudulent Impound Notice as seen above.

As seen above, May 11th, 2019 was a busy day for Sara Penhallegon, Director of CVAR as, even though she violated state law, practiced veterinary medicine in an emergency on Michael’s dog illegal and without license to do so or consent from the owner, she still felt she was somehow wronged when the law was followed 3 weeks into her holding Moses hostage. And So May 11th Sara emailed the County Commissioners, Prosecutor, Sheriff Deputies and let them know.

And On May 12th, 2019 Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue made a Facebook Post on her Non-Profit Facebook page that said, “in the last 24 hours Roady has been taken from CVAR by the Jefferson County Humane Society after 3 weeks of intensive care at CVAR and against the written recommendations of both our veterinarian and CVAR Director.” The social media post urged people to contact (and provided phone numbers) of the Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office, Human Society and the BOCC.

This Facebook Post incited hundreds of people to attack Moses owner, Michael Allmain, and deleted Michael Allmain’s side of the story. This created a massive, fast spreading, long lasting campaign of hate, threats, harassment, endangerment.

These community members that CVAR Sara incited, I refer to on my blogs as the CVAR Lynch Mob. As they threatened to kill MIchael Allmain, to drag him behind a vehicle, to take his dog to another county and tell him his dog died, they said they would break the law if need be, this thread defamed Michael Allmain and set of 2.5 years of stalking, harassing, set ups, police calls, death threats, and eventually one of them let Michaels’ dog of the lead and finally got him, that part for further down.

This Facebook thread encouraged violence against Michael Allmain and painted him out as a monster who dragged his dog behind his truck and not just this time, but alluded to a history of dragging. Michael Allmain answered every comment and let them know his side. CVAR deleted this, and so Michael had no way to stop the Mob. The Police were in on it, as were the prosecutors and deputies so he had no one to call to stop them. They nearly killed Michael Allmain and nearly drove him to kill himself.

This May 12th 2019 Lynch Mob thread proves Malice in Defamation, as Sara Defamed Michael Allmain in this thread, told the public he drug the dog, incited a violent mob after Michael, and did so knowing the Truth, as seen above, the day before she had said on FB and to others in email communications that it was an accident, but she fed the story online that Michael was a vicious monster who drug his dog. And she financially gained from this, as she got donations from her lies.

This May 12th 2019 Facebook thread also shows the Origin of the Premeditated Intent of placing a future lien for vigilante justice to ensure the get Moses away from Michael for good. As many different community members are discussing a lien, then one of them tags Bellingham Washington animal attorney Adam P. Karp, and Adam comes into the thread and gives the Statute for placing a future lien for future charges from when they “get” the dog at some point, away from Michael.

Below is a PDF of this Thread from May 12th, 2019, Keep in Mind CVAR deleted Michael Allmain’s side of the conversation, maliciously and to his extreme danger, as not telling his side and quelching the mob, he was under constant surveillance, photos taken of him, threats, stalking, police calls and constant mental anguish.

45 Page PDF of the Above Mentioned Facebook Thread posted by CVAR

Below is my, Reverend Crystal Cox, Video Commentary of the CVAR Facebook Thread, reading the thread and discussing the parties. A 6 part video series I recorded March 13th, 2021, after the Thread was brought to my attention by Port Townsend Community page Administrator Wyatt Ranson through his message to my associate Pastor Linda Lovett in Ireland, as he messaged her to complain about me and defame Michael Allmain, more on that communication later. Here is My Videos that night the thread came to my attention.

Part ONE
Part TWO
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

May 12th, 2019, 3:52pm Sara Penhallegon, Director of CVAR eMails Jefferson County Deputy Brian Peterson and Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie. She talks of charges being dropped, and money Michael owes her, and Michaels private relationships. She talks of Paul Becker and getting witnesses to get Michael. She is critical of Michael’s ability to pay.
Click Below to read this eMail.

And CVAR Sara, in that same email attempts to destroy families by claiming Michael’s ex said he was abusive to the dog. Yet that same ex, gave a statement to the Deputy that said this “SPOKE WITH GINGER BY PHONE. SHE SAYS NO REASON TO BELIEVE MICHAEL WOULD INTENTIONALLY OR NEGLIGENTLY HARM DOG. AGREED TO PROVIDE FOLLOW UP STATEMENTS IF NEEDED.” As Deputy Brian Peterson Put in his incident report. Click Below to read that Deputy Incident Report Again.

The Charges were dropped by the Prosecutors, yet Sara Penhallegon was not satisfied and never stopped going after Michael Allmain. All branches of Jefferson County Government enabled her and conspired with her against Michael.

After the Above CVAR Lynch Mob Thread, and Adam P. Karp Animal Attorney stating the Statute used for Vigilante Justice, then Robert Heck, Sara Penhallegon’s Husband sends her an email with that Statute. Then Robert sends the statute to County Commissioner Greg Brotherton.

May 12th, 2019, 10:27 PM

Robert Heck, CVAR, to Commissioner Greg Brotherton.
Could you look into the dog that Paul Becker had taken from Center Valley. You can see what is going via our Facebook page. This really needs to be looked into and Paul is not listening. Dog is being returned to the abusive owner. Robert says the dog was pulled behind the truck. These busy bodies never stopped defamin Michael and getting the community worked up against an innocent man.
Click Below to Read Said eMail

MAY 13TH 2019

On May 13th, 2019, Center Valley Animal Rescue Put up a Facebook Thread, “Roady Update”, There is Going to Be an Investigation, they are looking for him now, she thanked everyone as if in an academy award speech. Owner picked him up, “they” are looking for him”. See folks this further fed the mob, and they helped look. Thing is Michael was a local homeless man and easy to find, always in plain site. They harassed him, stalked him, threatened him and called the police on him all the time. Keep in mind the “they are looking for him”, Michael Allmain was a homeless man in Port Townsend, this alone sent hundreds of CVAR Sara’s followers to go “find him” though he was not convicted of a crime, nor had a warrant of any kind that I am aware of in May of 2019. I allege it is criminal harassment, stalking and life endangerment.

Below is me reading this Facebook thread and the comments.

Part ONE 56 Comments, May 13th, 2019 CVAR Facebook Thread, Reverend Crystal Cox Commentary.

56 Comments, Part Two, May 13th, 2019 CVAR Facebook Thread, Reverend Crystal Cox Commentary.

May 13th 2019, Robert Heck (CVAR Sara Husband) emails Lien Statute, 7:19a.m to Sara Penhallegon, his wife I believe (more proof of intent) Click Below to Read email.
Keep in mind he just learned about it the day before from Adam P. Karp, animal attorney (more Intent) Full May 12th lien premeditated intent, lynch mob thread

May 13th 2019, later that morning and day after KARP tells CVAR of lien and how to use, Sara Penhallegon CVAR emails the Jefferson County Sheriff about the lien, where the dog should be, her entitlement to money and the dog, and letting them know she is available to go and pick the dog up.

Also CVAR Sara emailed prosecuting attorney Julie st. Marie about the lien (more intent), Julie says Yes I recommend the Lien, read that email below. Unfortunately our office can’t get involved, says Julie, ya Right like we believe that one.
Click Below to read the eMail

This Lien was planned all along to make up, force vet bills and CVAR stay bills, and use those bills to get the dog from his owner, in case there was No Conviction. They lied and got a conviction and the dog and a settlement for 25k.

May 13th, 2019 Deputy Mark Apeland emails Sara Penhallegon of CVAR and says, I know about the lien statute, and as far as cost recovery try getting the humane society to add your costs. Click Below to Read.

May 13th, 2019

Jefferson County Undersheriff Andy Pernsteiner emailed Philip Morley, then County Administrator May 13 2019, regarding Michael Allmain’s Dog Moses and the actions of CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallagon - JCSO Admits CVAR illegally holding PROPERTY.

Keep in mind here also that the Sheriff PAID Sara and she got the $1000 donation and did fundraisers from her criminally defaming Michael Allmain while knowing the truth.

Also note here, the Fraud in the BILLING, most likely after CVAR, Sara got the lien statute from attorney Adam P. Karp, then the higher the bill, the more the chance of stealing the dog, and she did eventually.

Dogs are Property is Important to Note here.

From: Andy Pernsteiner <>
Sent: Mon, 13 May 2019 11:09:25 -0700
To: Philip Morley <>
Cc: Mark Apeland <>, Joe Nole <>
Subject: RE: Letter for Roady

Good Morning Philip,
Just tried to call you to talk about this dog issue, I’m off today but will give you the story in a condensed version.
The dog was in the back of Michael Allmain’s pickup, in a canopy with a door on the back. The back door came open when the truck went over a bump and the dog jumped out, the dogs harness got hung up on the truck and the dog was drug for several blocks. Allmain was alerted by other motorists and stopped, untangled the dog and it took off running. The next morning (less than 12 hours after the accident, not a week later like Sara says in her letter) the dog was located and JCSO was summoned. Deputy Peterson responded and when he called the shelter they said to take it to Hadlock Vet, which is closed on Saturdays. The deputies on duty opted to call Center Valley rescue and they agreed to treat the dog. The dog received medical treatment from Sara at Center Valley.
Last Friday I met with Paul Becker and advised that JCSO cannot legally turn a dog over to Center Valley because of the contract the county has with the Humane Society. Becker also advised that Center Valley isn’t license to provide emergency medical treatment, he cited RCW 18-92.260.
I called Sara at Center Valley and advised her of this issue and that we can’t legally allow her maintain custody of the dog, she agreed and stated that she understood. Sara told me that the medical bill for the dog was around $2000, of which someone had donated $1000 and the Sheriff’s Office would be responsible for $1000. I advised that JCSO would pay the $1000 and that Deputy Peterson would come get the dog in the morning.
After talking with Sara I heard from Chris Ashcraft at the Prosecutor’s office, he advised that they would NOT be charging Allmain for Animal Cruelty. As such we have to legal reason to keep the dog from the owner. Once the dog was transported to the Humane Society Allmain was advised and he is trying to get him out now.
I just got a copy of the bill that Sara just sent to Mark Apeland, interestingly the bill is now over $9000.
The Sheriff’s Office, Prosecutor’s office and Humane Society have been inundated with calls thanks to the facebook post.
As you are well aware in the state of Washington dogs are considered Property and as such we can’t keep someone’s property from them for some kind of personal interest.
DOGS ARE PROPERTY. Sara Penhallegon STOLE Michael Allmain’s Valuable Property. She was enabled by Jefferson County Prosecutors and the City of Port Townsend who was holding Moses as Evidence in a Criminal Trial Against Michael Allmain.
Click Below for Full eMail Thread

MAY 2019

May 2019 Facebook Thread proving that there were people willing to pay for Moses care. Also CVAR got their misinformed public to harass officials and the Humane Society, the Bishop Hotel call to action is mentioned here too.

This is proof that CVAR told their Donating Public that they were willing to pay ongoing care, they got donations, grants and other support yet SUED Michael Allmain for those fees in a premeditated lien and stole his dog forever and set him up for criminal charges. Click Video below for that.

May 14th, 2019

JCSO Admits Wrong Doing in Michael Allmain Case

On May 14th, 2019, Sergeant Mark Apeland of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office put on the record, the FOI Public Record that is, that Michael Allmain’s dog should not have been taken to CVAR, as a matter of law. Yet CVAR Sara, having taken Michael’s dog illegally in May of 2019 for weeks, got Judge Keith Harper, in October of 2021 to award her, CVAR, payment for those three weeks and the added year that the City of Port Townsend kept his dog Moses at CVAR as Evidence in their Criminal Case against Michael Allmain. Oh and the Kept his Dog as a Lien was against him you see. Ya know that premeditated lien to steal Michael’s property.

Anyway here is a Video Clip I took of the email. Jefferson County Sheriff Office admits wrongdoing, another words “LIABILITY”, and admits that Moses should NOT have been taken to Center Valley Animal Rescue, as it was NOT Lawful. Interpret the words how you please.

Click Below To Watch Video

Here is the eMail if you would like to read it



CC: Ben Stamper <>; Brett Anglin <>; Andy Pernsteiner <>; Ryan Menday <>;


Recently it was revealed that when the JCSO takes custody of a domestic animal that requires veterinary care, that animal needs to either go to the JCHS Shelter so they can get the veterinarian care, or to an actual veterinarian clinic. This applies to domestic animals only.

Center Valley Animal Rescue is a certified wildlife rescue, and the JCSO should not use them as a veterinarian care facility for dogs and cats in lieu of the JCHS animal shelter or a licensed veterinarian care facility.
Thank you,
Mark -25

PDF Linked Below

May 15th, 2019

May 15th 2019 Paul Becker wrote a letter to the Jefferson County Commissioners. In the letter, Paul Becker, director of Humane Society Jefferson County cited several county codes and state laws regarding care of domestic animals, of which were allegedly violated.

Paul Becker claimed that the Jefferson County Sheriff has only two options: take the animal to the official county animal shelter, or to a licensed veterinarian if the animal has life-threatening injuries. Regarding the wolf hybrid, the animal was recovered on a Saturday when a veterinary hospital in Port Hadlock was open.

Instead, a deputy turned “custody and control of the animal over to an organization that is not a veteran [sic] and is licensed only to provide veterinary services limited to animals owned by qualified low-income households, and the services provided limited to electronic identification, surgical sterilization and vaccinations,” Stated Paul Becker, HSJC Director.

Paul Becker criticized CVAR for prescribing treatments that were “so painful” it required the animal to be anesthetized. Becker accused CVAR of confining the animal with “intent to deprive the owner of access to it,” which he alleged violates state law. Becker said the Sheriff’s Office needed to provide the animal’s owner the opportunity to regain custody.

“A social media assault was started by the organization against the Sheriff, the Prosecuting Attorney and the animal shelter,” Becker wrote to the BOCC. “This caused numerous threatening phone calls and messages to be made causing some employees to be very concerned for their safety as well as questioning the integrity of the people involved.”

Becker closed by asking if the county would consider charging CVAR with practicing veterinary medicine without a license and for allegedly attempting to conceal a pet from its owner.

May 15th 2019 Paul Becker Letter to Jefferson County Officials
Click Below to Read

May 15th 2019 Paul Becker Letter on Commissioner Calendar

May 16th, 2019

On May 16th, 2019 CVAR Sara emails the Sheriff asking for Michael Allmain’s Address, she is desperate to be paid $9000 for 3 weeks of her holding his dog hostage and having his dog illegally enabled by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputies Brian Peterson and Kevin Denney. Click Below to Read.

May 17th 2019

May 17th 2019, CVAR Sara wanting paid, emails Sheriff for Michaels Address, he does not have one. She keeps going after him for her 3 weeks of holding Michael’s dog hostage and him not allowed to see his dog, NOT found guilty of a Crime, she chose what procedures to do without the Owners Input or Right to Choice, or CONSENT. Moses was at CVAR illegally and Yet she wants Paid. She seeks that continually from the Public with Donations, Seeks Restitution, Gets a Lien against Moses (Wins $25,000). Yet the Vet is Allegedly Volunteer and Sara is not a Licensed Vet. She Wants to Serve Michael, a homeless man, a certified letter for a $9000 Bill for 3 weeks, while at the same time fundraising on the alleged Neglect and Abuse that Never Existed.

CVAR Sara to Deputy Mark Apeland JCSD

May 17th, 2019
CVAR Sara to Sheriff’s Deputy Mark Apeland. We want to Make Sure that the Shelter does not give the Dog back to the Owner. Irrelevant Vets Sara worked up to Conspire against Michael after Moses had an Accident or Jumped April 13th 2021. We have a Lawyer Starting Tomorrow. (Keep in Mind folks, they met Attorney Adam Karp on the CVAR Lynch Mob Thread of May 12th 2021, Clear Proof of Premeditated Lien). She wants Paid no matter what, even if the Shelter will add it to their costs. Emails CVAR to JCSD, and James Kennedy Prosecuting Attorney in the Mix again too. HI Mark, James Kennedy said you were the one to contact.

May 20th, 2019

CVAR Publicly Proclaims to their Donors on their Center Valley Animal Rescue Public Page that they will pay all ongoing costs.

CVAR Bait and Switch, which is illegal, I Allege. On May 20th, 2019 Center Valley Animal Rescue Maliciously Mislead the Public and Profited from it. I allege CVAR maliciously, knowingly, with intent, lied to their Donors Publicly (BAIT) and went after a man for the fees they proclaimed they would pay (Switch), to their Own UNJUST Enrichment.

RCW 19.230.340 Prohibited Practices, Chapter 19.86 RCW
Bait and Switch is unlawful and the Washington State Attorney General has prosecuted this law many times. I will be filing complaints soon. Here is the May 20, 2019, CVAR thread. They are Mad about losing Moses to the LAW and they are bragging about their “legal options” keep in mind we know that to be the now infamous premeditated lien.
Click Below to Listen to me reading the CVAR THREAD.

At 9:23am on May 20th, 2019, Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Answers Sara Penhallegon’s email from May 13th 2019 regarding placing a lien. Julie gives Sara legal advice and advises to place the civil lien.
Click Below to Read these emails.

Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie tells Sara Penhallegon, Director of 501(3)(c) Non-Profit Center Valley Animal Rescue to File a Lien against Michael Allmain. More Evidence of Premeditating a Lien for Future Forced Vet Bills. In other words, to STEAL MICHAELS DOG through Abuse of Process and Fraud on the Courts.

After harassing, stalking, threatening, bullying, following, reporting Michael for years, and finally letting his dog loose. They used the Lien through Civil Court, to tie the hands of the Criminal Court as Moses was Evidence held by the City of Port Townsend at Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene and to hold Michael[s property over a year from November 23, 2020 as an animal at large up until October 22nds 2021 when they got Moses FINALLY for good through Jefferson County Superior Court and a Civil Lien finally executing on their crimes. Your Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie was in on it for the Whole Time. the MOTIVE? Ask them, seems Emotional to Me and add in some criminal restitution, county and city paying invoices, and a bit of hey add CVAR to the county and city code.

On May 20th, 2019 the Jefferson County Commissioners met and they discussed the issue of CVAR, Sara, Paul, Moes and Michael during its afternoon briefing session.

Administrator Philip Morley explained how the Sheriff’s Office’s lack of an animal control officer contributed to the situation. Morley said that former Sheriff Dave Stanko in 2018 had changed the status of the animal control officer, removing the position from the Corrections Division to reduce the pay scale and apply that budgeted money to other JCSO needs. So they set out on a mission to get an animal control officer. Yet Sara was the Problem, not necessarily the lack of an animal deputy. Still they hired Deputy Erik Allen for this position and he joined the Lynch Mob as FOI emails clearly show.

Morley acknowledged the apparent tension between the CVAR and Humane Society leaders, and cautioned that the county “shouldn’t react too strongly, too quickly” until regulations are reviewed and the complete story is known. The thing is folks the COUNTY allowed the LAW to be broken and Michael Allmain to be their Victim. The “tension” was CVAR and their gang of Thugs breaking the law and violating Michaels rights and Paul Becker and the Human Society obeying the law and not violating Michael’s constitutional and civil rights.

Commissioner Sullivan noted that the two groups are “good people doing good things that save us money.” NOTE here folks they are not GOOD PEOPLE. The Record Clearly shows how malicious and cruel these people really are.

The commissioners were warned, from a local agency the county and city was under contract with, warned that CVAR and the JCSO were violating Michael’s rights and giving him no way to redeem his dog. Becker let the commissioners know that Sara was practicing vet care without a license, and the did nothing and fact further enabled CVAR Sara’s malicious behavior.

They STOLE Michael’s property, his emotional support animal, and kept him for weeks injured and not able for his owner to even visit or make medical choices, to give consent, and the Jefferson County Commissioners seemed to have had no issue with this.

May 20th, 2019 9:29PM Sara Penhallegon tells Deputy Brian Peterson that she is extorting homeless man Michael Allmain, she says if Michael can’t pay the bilt, ya know the $9000 bill from 3 weeks of holding Michael’s Dog Illegal, anyway if Michael don’t pay immediately she will take his dog. Michael was not charged. Deputy Brian Peterson and Deputy Kevin Denney took Moses to CVAR illegally and now she wants paid a huge amount. And is threatening Michael over it, she tells the sheriff and they do nothing. And keep in mind that Sara made sure he could get no credit at the local Vets as she contacted them ALL and Criminally Defamed Michael Allmain, all the while knowing he was innocent and his dog had simply had an “accident”.
She wants the dog in lieu of payment, more intent to place a future lien, as she did finally get the dog with this lien, a $28,000 lien finally enacted in October of 2021. You could be their next victim. Click Below to read this email.

May 22nd 2019

May 22nd 2019, Sara, Director of Center Valley Animal Rescue emails Deputy Brian Peterson yet again Meddling in Michael Allmain’s Business. She had his dog ILLEGALLY, his Property, his Emotional Support Animal. And the Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputies enabled her to do it. Then she wanted to be paid for her crimes and went after Michael Allmain consistently for years. The Police Knew and were in on it. The Commissioners Knew and Greg Brotherton tried to “help”. All of the County Prosecutors knew and were in on it. “Fun” as Chris Ashcraft calls it.

This email is about Michael Allmain having a Go Fund Me Page (Remember Julie St. Marie Prosecutor advising and conspiring with CVAR said that was proof of NO NEGLECT) Anyway Sara saw dollar signs and so she wanted the money for holding this man’s dog hostage, away from him and performing medical procedures without his consent and trying at that time, May 2019, to STEAL his Dog Forever. She Never Stopped.
Clock Below to Read this email.
Note Here, Full email CVAR talks to a Minor without an adult present.

On May 23 2019 11:45am Sara Penhallegon emails Deputy Brian Peterson, she threatens that either he gives her an update or she will have a bunch of people call and peser him.

May 23rd 2019, How is the Investigation Going? I am Getting a lot of Calls Says Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara to Sheriff’s Deputy as threatens to have a lot of people call if he don’t answer her and constantly wants to know Michael’s private business. They Divulge his Business to her everytime she asks, Your Next READER. You have No Rights in Jefferson County Washington. The Authorities need to tell her to STOP, possibly arrest her for harassment, theft, stalking, inciting a violent mob, bait and switch, abuse of process, fraud on the courts. But instead they have NO respect for the “transients” and All Due Process and Human Rights, Civil Rights, Privacy Rights is out the window.
I Allege CVAR Sara incited a lynch mob, and that this is not in alignment with the alleged mission of her non-profit.

ADD Here
JCSO animal seizure letter
Animal seizure letter .docs

May 30th, 2019

On May 30th, 2019 Center Valley Animal Rescue Director Sara Penhallegon emails Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie for FREE Legal Advice Yet Again. Sara does not understand why all this has taken place, Duh Right they broke the law, took away Michael’s rights and poor them, what? There is no reason Roady or any other animal can’t be brought here, oh and we should try and get on the board of the humane society, CVAR Sara says to Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie.
Julie sends Sara the Humane Society Contract to Sara. Julie says it is not unlawful to have taken Moses to CVAR. Remember Deputy Brian Peterson had Moses Owner sign a document that his dog was at the Humane Society. And CVAR kept Moses 3 weeks that first time, $9000 Bill and forbade the owner to see his dog or make Medical decisions for his dog, his property, enabled by Sheriff Deputy Brian Peterson. Give Me a Call Says Jakal Julie. Read Emails Click Below.

June 1st 2019

June 1st 2019, Sara Penhallegon of CVAR eMails Deputy Brian Peterson and Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy, she wants to know how the investigation against Michael Allmain is going, see if there is a Criminal she can get the $9000 paid in restitution. She wants to know if Prosecutor James got her ALDF contacts.
Also this goes to Pattern and History of other possible victims.

June 3rd 2019

June 3rd 2019, Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy says, Chris Ashcraft is the attorney reviewing the case. Jefferson County Sheriffs have not sent us a completed investigation yet.
Click Below to Read

June 14th, 2019, Sara Penhallegon of CVAR never Stops meddling in Michael Allmain’s Business. Constantly working with Prosecutors and Police to stalk, harass, defame, threaten Michael Allmain. They Email her back every time. They never once tell her to STOP, and it is clear what she is doing to this man. From Deputy Brian Peters to CVAR Sara

JULY 2019

July 2019 Sara Penhallegon contacts the local paper, called the Port Townsend Leader, she apparently worked people up saying that there was a court order and the sheriff was looking for Michael, as she thought Moses should come back to her. Or the Sheriff called the Human Society and put a hold on Moses with no court order, simply his own wishes to please Sara, but gee darn, Moses was gone. I will add email threads regarding this soon, here is one from the Leader to Sheriff Joe Noel.

“To: Joe Nole <>

Subject: Fwd: The dog saga continues

Hi Sheriff,

Paul Becker forwarded me your email communication about the court order surrounding the dog. How should I update the article to make it more correct? I'm sorry if I made an assumption there and got it wrong.

Here is what the article currently says:

"The dog was released to its owner, Becker said, because the law requires organizations to contact the owner as soon as possible. This was done despite the Humane Society’s knowledge of Center Valley’s neglect allegations and the Sheriff’s Office’s pursuit of a court order to stop the release of the dog.

That court order was obtained too late. When Nole called the Humane Society to ask them to hold the dog he was told it had just gone back to its owner hours earlier."

Would this be accurate if I just deleted that second highlighted sentence and ran a correction saying "No court order was officially obtained." Because you were going to get one if the dog had not already been given back, correct? Were you calling preemptively?

Thanks as always, I hope I don't have to take up anymore of your time on this in the future

Carmen Jaramillo
News Reporter
Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader “

JULY 10th 2019

July 10th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Article Titled “Did County Policy Fail this Dog?” Below is a PDF of the Article

July 10th, 2019 Leader Article Read and Commentary by Reverend Crystal Cox

July 10th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Article Titled “Did County Policy Fail this Dog, Facebook Thread Reverend Crystal Cox Reading and Commentary regarding the comments in the thread.

Part ONE

Part TWO

PDF of July 10th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Article Titled “Did County Policy Fail this Dog, Facebook Thread with Public Comments

July 16th, 2019

July 16th, 2019. Laurie Lemmon JL Plumbing Emails Sheriff Joe Nole and he refers it to the City of Port Townsend Police. Why is it Ok for the Jefferson County Sheriffs to tell private citizens where we are hanging out? You have no Privacy or Rights of Due Process it seems. They Never Stopped acting as agents for CVAR and attacking, stalking, harassing Michael Allmain.She Says Michael may have expired tags, and maybe he does not have insurance. WHAT BUSY BODIES RIGHT? And your Jefferson County Police, Commissioners, Prosecutors, City Attorney Enabled her for years and SHE WON, even though she clearly broke the Law, a lot of them. Michael was found Innocent in 2019, they did not care, this Vigilante Lynch Mob NEVER Let up on Michael Allmain.

July 17th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Article
Owner Responds to Critics. PDF of Article Click Below

July 17th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Facebook Thread PDF

July 17th, 2019 Port Townsend Leader Article Facebook Thread Reverend Crystal Cox Reading and Commentary

Part ONE

Part TWO

July 18th 2019

On July 18th, 2019 Prosecuting attorney Chris Ashcroft eMails Sara Penhallegon Center Valley Animal Rescue Director. He says, We received the full investigation and after reviewing we decided there are a couple more things to move forward. The case has been assigned to Ms. Pleimann. Once she has completed everything she needs, we will make a final charging decision. As you know from the Shoop case, That is when ALL the REAL “FUN” begins. See folks they LOVE to torment people it is “fun” to them. And they constantly violate privacy rights. They violated Michael Allmains rights over and over.

July 21st 2019

July 21st 2019, Linda Lemmon JL Plumbing, Beverly Taylor Barton Complaint to Sara Pehallegon CVAR
Sara Emails to All the Co-Conspirators, Prosecutors and ..

July 22nd 2019

July 22nd 2019, this seems to be the First Time that CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue’s Director Sara Penhallegon contacted Officer Wendy Davis to Conspire with her on Operation Get Micheal Whatever It Takes. As she complained about Michael and Moses to the Jefferson County Sheriff and the Sheriff said it is a City Issue, so Sara contacted the City of Port Townsend Police. Here is eMail to Sheriff. She NEVER STOPPED.

August 2019

August 16th 2019

On August 16th 2019 Sara Penhallegon emails Officer Wendy Davis about complaints that people in Port Townsend are allegedly sending to her out of the blue. This is 8:28 a.m. Click Below to Read, Beverly Taylor Barton complained about the “abuser” to CVAR in Quilcene who CVAR sent the complaint to Port Townsend Police Officer Wendy Davis. Click Below to Read.

On August 16th 2019 at 846am, Officer Wendy Davis eMails Sara Penhallegon, Director of CVAR and says
I Know where Moses and his Owner are Staying and I will pay him a visit today.

September 8th, 2019, Shoop Case

9-8-2019, See after Adam Karp, Animal Attorney gave Sara Penhallegon, CVAR the Lien Statute she used it in a premeditated pattern and history. This Bison article and Judge Keith Harpers court goes to Pattern and History, possible RICO COMPLAINT or Class Action Legal action proof of conspiracy. Same Players.

September 20,2019

ON September 20,2019 CVAR, Sarah Penhallegon eMails Deputy Brian Peterson and Undersheriff Andy Pernsteiner. She says there has been an anonymous complaint and asks them to lie for her and say that Moses had to be brought to CVAR as it was a weekend. She is referring to the Paul Becker Complaint here, as we know this because she emailed Prosecutor Julie St. Marie as well and said so. Thing is folks it was illegal to take Moses to CVAR and illegal for CVAR to Keep Moses Hostage for weeks and charge the owner.

Click Below to Read eMail

October 3, 2019

On October 3, 2019 CVAR, Sara Penhallegon eMail to Prosecuting Julie St. Marie. She is giving Julie a “heads up” on the Paul Becker Complaint. And She attached the complaint.

Center Valley Animal Rescue Clearly Violated LAW in May of 2019, the Humane Society Jefferson County CLEARLY Obeyed the LAW and with Humanity. Yet CVAR managed to avoid an Investigation. Why? How? Well I Allege, because the Sheriff, and Jefferson County Prosecutors created a Smoke Screen of some kind to Protect CVAR.

October 21st, 2019, Prosecutor Julie St. Marie and CVAR Sara Penhallegon, reviewing the narrative on Roady, will never call him Moses, someone said he was drug, Flat out Defamation, Moses was not previously DRUG. This Malicious Woman never stops and your Authorities, your Prosecuting Attorney enable her and conspire with her. Email from Sara to Julie St. Marie. I am working on my “Paul” Case.

October 29th, 2019

On October 29th, 2019 Jefferson County Undersheriff Andy Pernsteiner writes a letter to CVAR to fulfill their request to write a letter on their behalf so they don’t have to “worry”. This letter suggests that CVAR was the only option, without actually saying that. It alludes to it being a weekend and not many options. It was a flat out LIE as there were Licensed Vets Open on that Saturday and it was ILLEGAL to have taken Moses to CVAR instead. On top of that it was illegal to lie to the owner on the “served” Notice of Impound as to the location of his property, his dog. And it was illegal to keep Moses from his owner for 3 weeks.

Click Below to Read this Letter that assisted in getting CVAR Sara out of her investigation.

December 11th 2019

On December 11th 2019 Sara, Director or Center Valley Animal Rescue Email to Julie St. Marie, Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney.
Can We Get Prison Time Next Time? What's the point of an appeal when the Judge lets him off? And are you going ahead with that Roady Investigation? Sara NEVER STOPPED Going After Michael Allmain, knowing all the while he was innocent as emails between Julie St. Marie and Sara Penhallegon consistently show.
Click Below to read the email.


January 9, 2020

January 9th, 2020, 4:24 PM
Officer Wendy Davis to Deputy Justin Coronado.
She Says “Where are You” He Says Driving Around

January 9th, 2020, 4:28 PM Aaron P. Goff, parking call out, Michael was good samaritan, yes goes to Michael’s character but also important as the officer with Wendy would later stop Michael Allmain, targeted him, searched him, and asked him to be an informant, Michael said NO. Badgered him as to why he, Michael refused to be an informant.
Below is the County Deputy that accompanied Officer Davis on the Call, for some unknown reason, however we do know that sometime later that year, this same Deputy was waiting at the traffic circle out of town for Michael and was said to have pressured Michael Allmain to be an informant, Michael said no and Deputy Justin Coronado allegedly said if Michael did not straighten up he would take his dog.

County Version of Same Incident Report


February 4th 2020

On February 4th 2020 Julie St. Marie Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney, on Paid Time by YOU, is Advising CVAR on how to Steal other People's property and Set them up for a CRIME she Clearly KNOWS he is not Guilty of. This Email is Julie telling Sara how to get Michael in the future, and she does.

On February 4th, 2020 2:42PM. The “facts” in the Michael Allmain Case are not sufficient to go forward, says Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie in an Email to CVAR Director Sara Penhallegon. Click Below to Read.

On February 4th, 2020 11:10PM CVAR Sara Penhallegon asks Julie St. Marie for Legal Advice, What Was Lacking? So she knows in the future.

February 6th 2020

On February 6th, 2020 Jefferson County Prosecutor Julie St. Marie Gives Sara Penhallegon Legal Advice on how to Get Michael in the Future. Julie tells Sara play by play how to do it. More proof it was all premeditated, as CVAR executed on this play by play.

February 10th 2020


On February 10th 2020 Officer Wendy Davis was designated as Community Service Officer. See document below signed by Wendy Davis and then Chief of Police Michael Evans.

I Allege that Officer Wendy Davis Never Had the Authority to take homeless man Michael Allmain’s Dog as Evidence in a Criminal Case as she was Designated by the Chief of Police that she, Officer Wendy Davis, does NOT “have the power of arrest or to issue criminal citations” Per the Chief of Police Document Linked Below from February of 2020, months before s

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