We should hire the unvaccinated workers because they have higher immunity after being infected

3 years ago

Mahr wants to know why people are losing their jobs, when natural immunity is more effective than a vaccine. We should be hiring them, not firing. Oh that's right, everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Boom Coons trys selling "tHe PaNdEmlc İSNT OVER UNTIL wE SAVE tHe world" Mahr called him out on the facts.. In a poll, 41% of Democrats thought hospitalizations for unvaccinated was over 50%. Facts.. Hospitalizations Vaccinated .01% Unvaccinated .89% Both less than 1% Mahr 想知道为什么人们会失去工作,而自然免疫比疫苗更有效。 我们应该雇用他们,而不是解雇他们。 哦,对了,这个国家的一切都必须经过制药公司。 Boom Coons 试图兜售“在我们拯救世界之前不存在的瘟疫”,马尔称他为事实。在一项民意调查中,41% 的民主党人认为因未接种疫苗而住院的人数超过 50%。 事实.. 住院 接种疫苗 0.01% 未接种疫苗 0.89% 两者都低于 1%

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