Cameras To Watch Teachers - Hollywood Gun Hypocrites

2 years ago

We need cameras in classrooms so parents can see what's happening

Time for cameras in classrooms

With all the discussion about critical race theory and sex education being taught in our schools today, isn’t it time for cameras in the classroom?

Jewelry stores, banks and homes have security cameras on 24/7 to protect their assets.

The most valuable assets we have are our children. Professional teachers should not be afraid of cameras in the classroom unless they have something to hide.

Parents would be able to relax and know that the great teachers we have are in their corner and value our most precious assets.

Matt Walsh tells Tucker Carlson cameras in classrooms shouldn't be controversial

"It makes total sense that obviously we should want to know what our kids are being taught when they're there in these government buildings."

Hollywood’s Gun-Violence Hypocrisy

Instead of reflecting on its own considerable role in creating a culture of violence, Tinseltown tries to blame others.

In the wake of the horrific school shootings at Sandy Hook and Parkland, Hollywood responded with public service announcements denouncing “gun violence” and supporting gun control efforts such as the March for Our Lives rally. But in both instances, instead of doing some serious soul-searching and accepting responsibility for creating a culture of violence, prominent actors lashed out at the Second Amendment, the NRA, and Republicans.

Simply observing that the Left engages in hypocrisy on this issue doesn’t go nearly far enough. The Hollywood elite and their mouthpieces have been peddling violence for decades while decrying America’s “obsession” with guns and violence.

Gun ownership is not associated with male sexual dysfunction, according to new research

Men experiencing sexual dysfunction are no more likely to be gun owners than men who are not experiencing such problems, according to new research published in the American Journal of Men’s Health. The study casts doubt on claims derived from psychoanalytic theory that guns are phallic symbols that serve as unconscious representations of male virility.

“Our gun research has focused on testing the taken-for-granted claims of gun culture,” said lead researcher Terrence D. Hill, an associate sociology professor at The University of Texas at San Antonio. “Are gun owners especially fearful? Do guns help people to sleep better at night? Do guns make people happier? Do guns enhance satisfaction in life?

Will Justin Trudeau turn Canada into a “basic dictatorship”?

In the wake of the global emergency caused by the coronavirus there are two very important questions that we as a country must ask ourselves. First, what is the appropriate level of economic trade offs we should make as a country to fight coronavirus? Second, how do we ensure that the civil liberties of Canadians are unaffected long term by sweeping government actions.

The new emergency measures act proposed by the Liberal government seemed to touch on both of these issues in an unsettling way. The initial bill would have granted Finance Minister Bill Morneau the power to bypass parliament and tax and spend at will all the way up until the end of 2021.

That is correct, a full 21 months of authoritarian control of our economy. All of this under a minority government.

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