POTS test

3 years ago

*Note: you may want to turn down the volume on video. Pulse Ox alarms at 1:55. The camera shakes during the video. Initially it was misattributed to an epinephrine rush (adrenalin), but subsequently made aware that it is due to hand tremors that were part of the ongoing symptoms.

This information is shared for educational and training purposes. The Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas, was made aware of this video on November 5th and the staff shown the video on November 6th, 2021. The veteran patient (myself) was advised the video evidence was unremarkable and no follow-up visit was scheduled.

This is the first video recording of likely Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) following the administration of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Multiple instances prior with heartrate in one episode exceeding 200 bpm (4 beats per second at the carotid artery) upon standing. This was a “fully hydrated test” (60+ ounces of water to drink 24 hours prior) and no caffeine times 5 days.
Beginning heartrate 56 bpm. Peak on standing 140 bpm. Sustained 125+ bpm. Not shown in video: Heartrate returned to normal upon lying back down (See Jan 10 video for example).

1st shot of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 8/19/21 lot #FD 8448. Tested negative for Covid antibodies two days prior. 2nd shot 9/09/21 lot # FE 3592.

45 y/o male. No history of hypertension, hyperthyroidism, obesity, diabetes or heart disease. Nonsmoker, nondrinker, no recreational drug use of any kind. No prescription or over the counter medications. Tested negative for Covid-19 at hospital. No fever, nausea or shortness of breath at time of admission. Chest X-ray normal with no signs of pneumonia. Blood labs on 10/31 return lymphocyte count 0.7 K/cmm (reference range 1.0 to 4.8). Lymphocytes 6.7%. Neutrophil count 9.4 K/cmm (reference range 2.4 to 7.6).

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