The Restrainer

3 years ago

2 Thessalonians 2:7- only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

The first “HE” is Michael and the second “HE” is satan as the antichrist.

I will document who the restrainer is. Also, who both “He’s” are above.

When the term “mystery of iniquity doth already work” is used, it is speaking about the evil spirit of the devil already at work here on earth. It then goes on to say just wait until the man of sin is cast out of heaven and made present here on earth in a physical sense. He has to do this in order to stand in the holy place and claim to be god. All hell will break loose.
This is in short the meaning of verse 7
You can’t see the evil spirit of satan but you can see the physical form of the anointed Cherub. He will be imitating the real Jesus Christ in every way. He is supernatural.
The subject of the 2nd chapter is the second coming. Verse 3 starts the subject matter of the chronology of the second coming.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a Falling Away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

>Transitive verb from Webster’s Dictionary; A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object, which is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that follows the verb and completes the sentence's meaning by indicating the person or thing that receives the action of the verb.

Letteth-Holds fast-Greek “Katecho” Supply the ellipsis by “there is one who holds fast” (Michael) Instead of by repeating the verb “will let”, but “Katecho” IS A TRANSATIVE VERB and an object must be applied too.
>If the subject is satan the “son of perdition” which means “to perish “is established in verse 3 it should not be departed from until verse 7-8 where the LORD will destroy satan with the brightness of HIS coming.
>The subject and object must be applied to establish the time and location of the man of sin. He is currently being held in the heavens to be cast out as found in Revelation 12:7 to 9, satan will be cast out of heaven to the earth. Only his evil spirit is present right now. Second part of verse; “only he who now letteth”, better said; “only he who now restrains” (referring to Michael). “Will let”, better said; “by removing the restraints”, Michael will let him go by casting him out of Heaven.
The subject is the man of sin and there is no article for the Church or the Holy Spirit. You can’t just change the subject and object with your own preconceived notion. This is exactly what pre trib rapture teachers do. They actually believe the antichrist is Christ and confuse the Holy Spirit with devil in their faulty interpretation of these verses. This is what happens when you let uneducated people do your translating for you.

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