THE COVIDIAN CULT - Part II: Universal VAX Mandates. Global Tax & World Government decree in Rome

2 years ago

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Last week US President Joe Biden (as difficult as that is to say) had “extensive” meetings with Pope Francis. Ironically, the Pope, who sits in the seat of Peter, absolved Joe all his sins – exonerated him of his unbiblical pro-abortion and pro same sex marriage stances - even in the face of protests by the more conservative traditional United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – who stood on Church tradition & on sound scriptural grounds for properly denying Joe Biden Holy Communion.

But Pope Francis (who some conservative Catholics consider the “Anti-Pope) is opposed by the Conference solely on moral grounds, was not to be deterred from conveying Joe the privilege of the sacrament of Communion. Later during his trip to Rome (The Book of Revelation has much to say about that ancient city) some more ominous overtures were apparent – the exaltation of the “Fratelli Tutti ” a declaration and encyclical of Francis calling for the end of nation states and for nations without borders (if that were possible.

Even more nefarious to conservatives & libertarians alike was the agreement Pope Francis had regarding universal mandates. Then came his call for a global tax and open society - regardless of the fake global warming science) so that a massive spending spree. global warming technologies would become a priority etc.
After that, Joe met with other leftwing, globalist leaders from around the world with a vibrant & scary written message from Francis. OPEN WIDE YOUR BORDERS. TAX for trillions in order to V the whole world – US needs to submit to world police at Interpol and the enforce tax collection on businesses- even if headquartered in AMERICA.
But wait a minute - a tax presuppose a legitimate government, doesn’t it? Thus a global tax for a global government. They can’t hide this any longer. And what about the consent of the American people? Didn’t we fight a revolutionary war because the tyrants in London taxed us then without representation? Any taxes on US businesses should only be by the consent of the people and their duly elected State Legislatures.

At one point in the Vatican, the Pope asked Joe if it was okay for the Pontiff to call Senator Joe Manchin so as to help get Biden the votes needed for his highly controversial INFRASTRUCTURE BILL passed. You see few Americans realize that the infrastructure money is omnibus, and billions can be used by Francis and the EU /UN for fighting global climate change and doing it by taking control of the US Treasury and the American taxpayer under the GUISE of a GLOBAL TAX AND OF COURSE GETTING MOBEY FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE KEPING PROGRAMS - ENOUGH us TAX DOLLR TO FUND THE ENTIRE NEW Global One World government.
Why? Because fin exchange for trade concessions by the EU and possibly salvation from the Pope, Biden promised to use our hard working, American tax dollars from Infrastructure Bill to pay for the One World Government formation. Period. In other words, through a massive transfer of wealth from the American people- a New Beast World government would arise.

Folks, we must do all in out power to stop this infrastructure bill NOW, Call your congressman and Senator. 1-202-224-3121 The deliberate weakening of our military, the killing of our energy independence and the Keystone Pipeline, open borders, CRT to our kids, defund the police, weaken the military etc. all of this is synced. etc. Big money is needed by the Pope and the globalists, to pay for their Green Communist Army – the “Climate Army”

As much as he was able, Joe Biden was very engaged as an attendee to the G 20 economic Summit (Basically a Davos-Aspen Institute on steroids). There he also held “extensive meetings” with Klaus Schwab & many other world leaders essentially agreeing to the Global Tax of all nations states and the formation of the World Government formally announced

Now you can’t have a TAX without a government and world police force to enforce the collection of it. If every day Americans don’t stop the passage of the infrastructure Bill – our next President could be Klaus Schwab or Pope Francis! Call your elected officials today! 1-202-224-3121
God's mighty blessings,
Ephesians 3:20-21

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