Town Hall Meeting: United We Stand For Choice.

3 years ago

1:24 Welcome Message
3:58 Town Hall Agenda
10:30 Introduction of Medical Experts
12:50 Dr Vijaendrah Subramaniam, Malaysia
18:00 Dr Shankara Chetty, South Africa
38:26 Dr Kenny Yong, Malaysia
53:00 Q and A
1:00:05 First Do No Harm
1:06:00 Community Sharing
1:44:00 Holistic Health
1:49:50 Brad Bowyer, Singapore
1:59:33 Can Ministry of Manpower decide what is wrongful dismissal or not
2:02:26 Feedback on the measures implemented
2:04:27 Connect With Us
2:07:00 Reading of Community Letter from Unvaccinated Singapore residents
2:14:00 Healing The Divide Closing Video

This was a Town Hall Meeting by concerned Singaporeans on the 31st Oct 2021 regarding the latest measures.

As we receive feedback on a press conference, we believe it is more meaningful to have a townhall among all concerned citizens — unvaccinated and vaccinated alike — to share our grave concerns on the policies and measures rolled out by the Ministerial Task Force (MTF).

The MTF has had no consideration for impacted constituents in hasty policy making and implementation — with no solutions for us and our families — regardless of vaccination status.

However, we state here that the measures are discriminatory against the unvaccinated at this point. It goes against the spirit of the Constitution of Singapore outlined in Section IV on Fundamental Liberties, which is demonstrated by

1. Appalling rise in COVID19 cases (given our stellar vaccination rates, yet very “lose face” percentage of cases and deaths divided by our tiny red dot population)
2. A differentiated treatment for visiting attendees to the upcoming Bloomberg Economy Forum in Singapore, in comparison to Singapore residents.

In respect to (2), given that it is trusted that as a country despite (1) that we are not a public health threat, we as citizens of Singapore should voice our concerns — and more importantly challenges — in being denied of our rights in the Constitution, to the government of Singapore.

Please join and register here, and share your questions and concerns in advance if you wish. We are inviting the President, Prime Minister, Ministers of the Ministerial Task Force (MTF), Minister of Manpower, Leader of the Opposition, Members of Parliament, all opposition parties, members of the media to this event.

Most importantly, we are inviting every Singapore citizen who is highly concerned about how Singapore is handling the COVID19 pandemic, in terms of our unity and public health being clearly challenged at this point.

We welcome submission of photos to be part of our United We Stand For Choice Video.

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