Base Twelve Geometry and Pi - Introducing the Dodecagon

3 years ago

Part Three - in a series of videos where I am introducing the concept of Base Twelve Geometry and explaining why it matters.

In this video I introduce a geometric pattern - a type of Dodecagon - that has no significance in Base Ten Mathematics, but in Base Twelve is revealed to be quite important.

This is the geometric pattern that contains the geometry of the circle. It enables us to create the diagram for 360 degrees - a diagram which surprisingly does not exist in Base Ten.

In this video I show how the Dodecagon lines up differently on the Base Twelve Cartesian Plane then it does in Base Ten, and we will see as this series of videos progresses how this makes all the difference.

Eventually the geometry of the Base Twelve Dodecagon leads us to the Base Twelve version of Pi - a version which has significantly different characteristics than the Base Ten version.

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