17 Million Healthcare Workers on the Chopping Block | OSHA Targets Small Businesses Next!

3 years ago

OSHA heads are already looking at expanding the new vaccine mandate to target businesses who don't meet the 100 employee threshold. Who could have seen that coming?

Yesterday's "heroes"; today's trash. 17 million healthcare workers NEED to get the jab or they will be fired. No testing out, no exemptions. You will comply, or you will be gone. "What have you done for your job lately" mindset.

A review of a CDC report that recommended the jab for pregnant women was reassessed and found some very dire consequences and the experts there are suggesting stopping the rollout there. Again, who could have seen that coming?

The CDC recently changed the definition of "vaccine" because they are an honest institution. Again...

Bill de Blasio is bribing the parents with $100 to give their children the poke in exchange for candy. Or something like that.

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/osha-covid-19-vaccine-rule-may-be-expanded-to-small-businesses-labor-department_4085878.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/17-million-health-care-workers-must-be-vaccinated-by-jan-4-under-bidens-covid-19-mandate-cms_4086176.html
ET3: https://www.theepochtimes.com/cdc-changed-definition-of-vaccine-because-of-covid-19-vaccines-emails_4083638.html?utm_source=mr_recommendation&utm_medium=left_sticky
Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10166661/NYC-PAY-children-ages-11-5-100-COVID-shot.html
ET4: https://www.theepochtimes.com/researchers-call-for-halt-on-covid-19-vaccines-for-pregnant-women-after-re-analysis-of-cdc-study_4081606.html

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