Medical Surgeon Beats Parkinson's Disease With Natural Therapies

3 years ago

Medical surgeon Dr. Antonio Pineda (Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist), was suffering so badly from a full body Parkinson tremor, he considered suicide & "NOTHING" the medical profession offered, could help him in the least. - In the mean time, I had given a DVD to Shadow Minister for health in Queensland (Fiona Simpson MP), showing how I had created a curative treatment for Parkinson's disease, based on correcting four causes noted by Dr. James Parkinson, in his 1817 book: "An Essay On The Shaking Palsy", which had "PROVEN BEYOND DOUBT" to put "A NUMBER" of immobilised PD patients into remission, "IN JUST DAYS", yet all she could say to me was: - QUOTE "The Government isn't interested Mr Batten". - (I showed her two very short videoclips of patients achieving remission Barry & Regu but she didn't seem to give a damn!) = There are "MILLIONS" of patients like Dr. Pineda "ALL OVER THE WORLD", suffering a drawn-out suicidal hell, and even though the Queensland Government Health Department has had the chance to introduce a treatment that could help them regain their lives to re-enter the work-force and pay taxes again, sometimes in just a matter of days, "THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED!"... How can this be possible? - Is it because they are receiving such "HUGE" incentives from Big-pharma to only promote drug sales that keep these patients sick and unemployed, that they will not allow a cure to be acknowledged??? - Is it possible that Big-pharma wants Governments to go broke so they can take them over??? - I think there is a scripture that is "VERY" appropriate to this greed-mammon-based situation: - (Colossians 2:8) "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principals of the world, and not according to Christ".

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