What Kids Really Want

3 years ago

What do young kids really want? They want to be loved by their parents and they want to play. In my opinion, organized youth sports gets in the way of both. A young child doesn't like being involved in organized youth sports, but they do it for their parents because they want to love of their parents. This confuses the child. They know they don' want to be involved in organized youth sports, but their parents want them to be, so they then think there must be something wrong with them.
Children have an innate belief in God and a knowing that a family is what is right. When the family breaks up from divorce or death it is devastating to the child, and often affects them the rest of their lives.
And kids have an innate desire for authentic free play. If they don't get plenty of that growing up there will be negative consequences. They learn who they are when involved in authentic play, thus they are better able to thrive in life.
Often well meaning parents do so many things that get in the way of what their children really desire. As we keep saying, yes, children need boundaries, but they so need and want authentic play and the love of their parents, especially at a young age.

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