Is Thier Change In Our Forecast???

3 years ago

Archangel Michael "ON" AIR Show Episode #67

On today's show, we will be discussing the recent Virginia governor's race....

The win of a Republican Challenger against, the incumbent a Democrat Governor....

What does this mean for the future of the Democratic party???

Have the people finally spoken??? Did the people send a clear message to the White House???

It certainly looks that way, but time will only tell...

Unfortunately time is running out, and it might be a little too late!!!

In my opinion, and my opinion alone. Jesus is the only one that can get us out of all the issues that are currently happening...

A dark cloud of pure evil has set over us, and was released by the abyss of hell....

And that was foretold by Jesus Christ, over 2,000 years ago....

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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