The Good Fight ForEvermore Noble Lies Plato IV Media Misinformation or Lies

3 years ago

Tonight we begin with vax issues, the lies and propaganda about militia and history, and ends with COP climate change summit and we expose the fraud with factual science and physics

First, the lies of airline cancellations due to weather delays … American Airlines cancels over 1,000 flights due to wind? Also, low staffing!

Air Force kicked out 23 recruits from boot camp who refused to get COVID vaccine …

We Are Going To Have Chaos': Rand Paul Warns Against Effects Of Vaccine Mandates:

You Won't Believe What They Admitted on the News in 1971
FDNY: 2,000 Firefighters on Medical Leave in Apparent Protest of Vaccine Mandate:
Hundreds gathered in Staten Island NY, to protest vaccine mandates
How about these militias and the Second Amendment? Listen to Lisa Ling of CNN, how she words this question to a complete someone acting like a historian. “What Does the Second Amendment Really Intend to Say” The Militia was meant to protect The Government?!

Our founders viewed Standing Armies as a threat to individual Liberties; the militia was NOT created to “protect the government”. Rewriting history much?

Why Militias are White Men? … What part of the Revolutionary War did these people miss? Listen to the racism about Whites being fearful.

Texas Rep Chip Roy last week responded to NY Rep Jerry Nadler who needed a schooling on the Second Amendment.

Militia - When Would They Rise Up

Sunday Night on Straight Shooting News we showed a clip of how difficult it was to manage one’s life, so the cell phone managed everything, right down to the COVID Pass. This may seem funny, but, is it?
Ordering a Pizza in the Future:

Back to the serious: Global Cooling, Global Warming, and so-called experts and government leaders selling FEAR propaganda about fossil fuels and carbon foot prints.

Boris Johnson, we have to reach Net Zero and have committed 100 Billion a year to developing nations to curb their carbon admissions.
Next, Attenborough tells COP26, 'The world is looking to you' What is he really saying? Is he talking about control over free enterprise prosperity and about population control:

Boris Johnson again:
Biden addresses world leaders at UN climate summit opportunity for who? Activists protests claiming the science says there is little time! No time for long term plans we need to act now.
Net Zero Emissions and the globe is heating up? Hold that thought.

Enough of the doublespeak, let’s look at real science and physics and put all these Noble Lies, as Plato labeled them, lies for our own good!

Sun Controls Climate | Part 1 - Upper Atmosphere. Space Weather is something humans cannot control. There is no CO2 effecting temperature 99% accounted for by space or solar weather.
What the hell do these people think they are doing, and why? Do they really believe what they are telling us or are they trying to con us into surrendering our freedoms to them by utilizing fear?
Are any of these FEAR mongers aware of this information, and if they are then what we are hearing about is a well-planned out conspiracy that they are perpetuating against the human race, and not just a theory.
Keep in mind, Communist China, India, and Russia are building more coal plants to sustain their nations energy needs and economies and have made no financial or any other binding commitments to all this climate change hysteria.
Are the Noble Lies for your own good? Really?

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