Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Episode #11 - I go postal on everyone (Watch until end)

3 years ago

Around 5:58 my postal work begins. Sorry for the trim edit ( I used YT trimming--which is horrible, to edit out a song that was FREE to use but the guy was a jerk, so I replaced it around 5:31. Due to the replacement, it cuts off #happyreapergaming. Sorry, buddy :( But I just don't feel like re-uploading everything again. It's good enough) 6:38 The Christmas song, is not to spread the message of Christ, although more props to the world if it does, but it was supposed to make the killings have this abstract feel of anger lol. I tried. I'm still finding my niche. Thanks to everyone who did watch. You're the real mvp. But if you want a comparison to what I was going for check out this video for the theme of that portion of the video:

Song Credit to:
Cary Brothers "Holy Night"

Partner in crime: Happy Reaper

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