3719, Preacher Blasts RHINOS For Treason, 3719

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup – the coup whose primary purpose is to weaken the United States so that it can be destroyed from within without firing a shot.

Beth watches a really rough looking preacher named Robin Bullock who one week before last night’s elections had some prophetic words on our situation in the U.S.

Now don’t let this guy’s looks throw you. He grew up poor in Alabama where his family didn’t even have running water. He was a member of a rock group before he got saved and now he spends his time listening for that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.

[insert to: “… on the success.”]

Pastor Bullock then compares these RHINO Republicans to Gen. Benedict Arnold.

[insert to: “… of the Republican Party.”

That would include former Vice-President Mike Pence. No other single Republican had the absolute opportunity to keep these horrible consequences from happening. At that single moment on Jan. 6, 2021, Mike Pence had several good options to prevent all of this from happening – and at no readily apparent consequence to himself – other than to be branded the hero of this era.

Nope, Mike Pence was doing the bidding of the Minions of satan on that day, and he will never be elected to anything in the United States again and will go down in American history for all time as the most important traitor of this era – an era full of traitors of freedom.

I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to say that for exactly 10 months, and this was that opportunity.

I don’t care what Mike Pence’s excuse was. He could have stopped this cold in its tracks, but he didn’t!

[insert to: “… then people will listen to you.”

I always wondered why the Democrats in the White House were hiding Kamala Harris. Well, this is why:


I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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