Ankeny Public School Board Meeting Parents Concerned w Sexual Grooming Library Books Romanticizing Gay Sex

2 years ago

Disclaimer: Votes were cast November 2, 2021 to replace 3 of the board members (Lori Lovstad, Jim Ford, & Aaron Johnson). This video should serve as an example that this garbage does not belong in the schools.

November 1, 2021 at the Ankeny, Iowa Public School Board Meeting parents were concerned with the possibility of sexual grooming through library books vividly describing gay sexual encounters, and Social Studies Teacher Nicholas Covington begged to teach the outlawed controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT) training in the schools that draws attention to race, increases the divide when it creates a "favorite child" scenario rewriting history, and makes other non-African American students feel left out and discriminated against while the ancestors of several white students that moved here after slavery was abolished never had slaves, but in fact had ancestors that were slaves.

The NYTimes' own fact-checking historian Leslie M. Harris turned against the 1619 Project due to the authors ignoring her corrections with their inaccuracy and fictitious history. Several very intelligent African American's are even opposed to the divide that this training creates, such as David Johnson, the famous Hasbro whistle-blower who blew the whistle on Hasbro for it's CRT training.

Nicholas Covington hopes to implement CRT that will create more divide, indoctrinate false history, and result in more racism in the schools.

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